[ArcemAlva] Rabia by Busy-Burd on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

:iconminghideplz: For the group :iconarcem-alva:Will modify app picture tomorrow-:iconjunesplz:

Basic Info


27 years of age

Day 23 of The Month of Rains


5 ft || aprox. 152cm

110 lbs || 50 kg


Fighter || Disciple || Ascetic [Occupation]



[Current Location]

Travels between Linhythe & Amedra

[Allegiance] Koben

Biographic Info


Durable| Capricious | Wary | Busy-body | Resourceful | Naive |Inscrutable | Indignant | Self reliant | Adaptable | Low self-esteem

From a young age, Rabia has had a hard time discovering who she is, liable to adopting traits she finds desirable in others, so much so that the persona she bodies at present isn't quite who she believes herself to be. Though she'll claim she has total understanding and acceptance of her being, this is a mere misconception as she seldom has put much time or thought into trying to discover it. This supposedly stems from her ideal that whatever she is doesn't belong in society, as life has decided to hand her obstacle after obstacle.

Starting in her adolescent years, Rabia dawned a relatively callus exterior, making her appear somewhat stony and detached to the people around her. The truth is this behaviour was exhibited out of vigilance, as there were only a few people she trusted willingly and often feared those she couldn't place, thus the stand off presence presented itself as her defence.

Much of her lifestyle centres around a sense of error, as at a young age, she was lead to believe that she was given a second chance to repent for her sins. She thinks of every misfortune to be a punishment and because of this, Rabia takes caution in everything she does, wanting to keep herself as irreproachable(?) as possible.

A stickler for debts, Rabia will pay what she owes exactly, if not more whenever it's due. Wishing to never be tied down by others as the sense of susceptibility is viewed as a choke-hold. Forever grateful to those who've given generously, she is quick to bow her head to the ones she respects, and holds a high sense of loyalty to such people as well as anyone who appears to be graces with Aurea halo.

Although highly acceptable in understanding that her past is not something that can be compared between others, Rabia is not a person to go to if you're looking for empathy, not because she believes she's been through worse, but because her ability to put herself in another's shoes is highly lacking. You'll be regarded with a pat on the back and encouragement to move forward, as she herself tries not to reminisce in her past. Her general ability to engage and communicate with others on an emotional level is quite pitiful and earns her the trait 'cold', as personally she dislikes getting touchy feely with her own issues, even less so with others.


From the beginning, Rabia's childhood was lived under harsh conditions in the streets of the so called 'Vibrant Tusa'. But for those who couldn't afford its luxuries, it had been quite similar to a personal hell, with the suns ever so radiant beams cascading down on those who couldn't find shelter. The place was fast moving and busy, leaving little time to be spared caring for the poorest of beggars.

She doesn't remember how she ended up in the streets, but suspects she's been there since birth.The concept of a family was foreign to her, as life in the streets was not riddled by mother and father figures. Perhaps the woman who's lap she sat in for the first four years was her mother, or perhaps the man who sang for money and was kind enough to share his profits was her father. It would never be known.

Rabia began to fend for herself at the age of eight, though there was little to be done in her state of being. The everyday mantra was the same, stay alive and keep moving forward. Stories had been told that if any allowed themselves to truly relax and be at peace, the god Atros would take their souls from them. Out of fear of feeling she hadn't quite passed her new life test, Rabia took to becoming a scavenger and fought her way through survival against many similar to herself. Her strength was questionable and of poor use, she relied on her legs to carry her where she might get lucky only resting for the occasional prayer. To Rabia, it appeared that somehow there wasn't any place she was wanted or needed, she honed no special skills that could profit her. She often wondered why the goddess of life bothered to create her and spent spare time quietly praying for forgiveness for whatever sin she had done in her past life.

As she grew into a young adult her status took its toll on her body and few began to take pity on her state. It was through that pity that gained her a free meal and a trip to Linhythe by a travelling warrior, making his way back over to the Mira's kingdom. Though she and a couple of others he picked up were of Koben allegiance, he still managed to get them to Linhythe and wished them luck to peruse whatever more they wished. He cleaned them up and set them gently on their feet in new territory with a little bit of silver each in hopes he could help them start something new. This was the last she ever saw of such a person, and was undoubtedly grateful, so much so that she took it upon herself to stay as clean as possible, washing her hair and face as often as she could in hopes it somehow symbolized a cleanse in spirit.

The adaptation was more than difficult and she learned to be choosy with her copper. After being given this second chance, Rabia has taken it as a sign from the gods that she has passed a type of test of approval and they now lead her on a path or forgiveness. Thus she's kept to staying out of peoples way, offering help whenever she can for the smallest of fees and upon her sixteenth year she was able to settle a steady day job with a bartender and his brother. She kept her where-abouts unknown, unwilling to be looked upon in judgement and maintained an enigmatic presence, never social enough to stand out, but just enough to have a plain conversation with. She took orders with ease and enjoyed the life of a busy-body sometimes asking to take on night shifts.

Rabias lifestyle secrecy was not one to be kept, as after 17 months of her hire, she was asked to move into the spare bedroom upstairs. Feeling as if this intrusion was a step back she declined and insisted that she was fine where she was. Her employees didn't push her much further on the matter but remained weary of her living situation. Eventually the brothers would wed and start a new lifestyle elsewhere, Rabia got used to their family-hood but never made an attempt to join them in anyway, keeper her distance from a majority of their hospitality.

Around her twenty-first year, the last of the brothers was to move to his wife's home-town Amedra and the bar was to close down. Rabia, though sullen on the matter, kept her fears to herself as best she could and wondered what she would do. As if by a last spark of gratitude, said brother asked if she would join him on a boat-ride to Amedra for her own new life. Although reluctant, she was persuaded to think of this new start as a gift and he warned it was taboo to turn down a well deserved gift.

Now at the age of twenty-four, as luck would have it, Rabia lives in the small upstairs of an antique book-store in return for her services in keeping the shop for the elder owner who has no-one to pass it down to. She occasionally must travel from port to port to pick up his 'collectable' shipments.




- Her sense of humor is below null

- Dental care is embarrassing- already missing 5 teeth, her life as a scavenger only made it worse

- Actually afraid of mice. Not rats but mice- particularly the albino ones.

- Despite the mun(me) putting her age on her app for you, Rabia believes she is actually around 23 as keeping up with time was not a concept she developed until she came to Linhythe and even then she guestimated a starting number for herself.

- When it comes to religious beliefs, Rabia believes whole heartedly in unity. Praising both Aurea and Atros for all they have done.

- Quite ignorant about the general politics of both kingdoms but tries her best to learn about them so as not to insult anyone.

- Lacking in surname for obvious reasons but the name 'Rabia' which has two meaning either in literal terms 'The fourth daughter' or 'Springtime'

- Started basic training to be a Disciple at the age of 14

Rp relatedRP Preference: :iconjunesplz: --- I'm a bit flexible at times but usually it all depends on my internet.