Consumer Blobface List : Scootaloo by BuyNLarge-Megacorp on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

In an alternative universe of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic season 9 an alien superstore megacorporation called Buy'N'Large from the movie Wall-E 2008 has appeared into Ponyville from outer space disguised as small shop to sell a special product called Food'In'Cup drink that is made out of any kind of flavour powder with the blob (No Cold Weakness) from the movie called The Blob 1958 while the Mane Six first try the drink before it has been tried by the Cutie Mark Crusaders, the Wonderbolts and any pony else along with most other creatures but then the Mane Six become corporate sell-outs so the alien superstore megacorporation started to sell everything that the Ponies want that lead to growth and it took over all of Equestrian society including farming, healthcare, entertainment, education, power and even almost anything else even leadership that replaced the Alicorn Monarchs such as Princess Celestia after she made a policy trying to get rid of the megacorporation leading to Shining Armor who is captain of the royal guard launched a coup backed by Buy'N'Large known as the Canterlot Business Plot that has been financed by the bankers making the megacorporation spreads across other nations such as the Crystal Empire, the Yak Tribe, the Dragon Lands, the Changeling Kingdom, the Hippogriff Kingdom, Griffonstone and many more other nations through out the world.

Equestria has become a corporate utopia under the alien superstore megacorporation Buy'N'Large after Princess Celestia gives up on fighting against the megacorporation by signing a contract in which made the contract disappear forever while it made the cutie marks of every pony have been replaced with the Buy'N'Large logo along with letting the other creatures getting a cutie mark for the first time with the same logo with the values of Equestrian society such as Honesty, Kindness, Laughter, Generosity, Loyalty and Friendship founded new meaning in Capitalism, Convenience, Comfort, Consumption, Consumerism and Commercialism changing most of the friendship lessons even it attacked Socialism along with most Labour Unions in which they are labelled of being the true evil across the land for spreading disharmony but then Equestria was polluted with trash mixed with waste so the all Ponies along with most other creatures who are now cubby were marshalled into the Buy'N'Large mothership called the Axiom as they blasted off into space leaving their polluted homeland forever with no returning from this and a couple of months later all the Ponies have become lazy relaxed hedonistic immobile obese consumers in which the blob they ate started to slowly took over there bodies even they are blissfully happy of the new life.

The lazy relaxed hedonistic immobile obese consumer ponies along with the other creatures have their bloated bellies a mind of their own as they groan and growl to host while the everyone in the axion fart uncontrollably with stinky smells as the new perfume as everyone are now proud to be fat slobs but they also use their big techno screens to chat to each other along with moderately using virtual reality goggles to spend time in a virtual world of Equestria in the past before the pollution took place and few years later all everyone have slowly transformed into gooey slimy blobs from movie called The Blob 1958.

Original blobface base belongs to

