I'm Gonna Be by CajunMutt on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

CajunMutt's avatar

Published: Aug 30, 2015


Anthropomorphic version of this fool: fav.me/d8mwtob

He's supposed to be a Border Collie.

I have a total of 5 characters now, three of them need revamping and I don't know jack about them. WHOOHOO.

I tried to work on my anthro anatomy?? I prefer to do the digitigrade feet than just give them complete human anatomy.

Iain was designed on a whim back in my dark ages of art. He was originally some Scottish kid who was an obnoxious flirt seriously run away ladies.

He is still Scottish, but his personality and back story are in the dark. He's probably still some suave imbecile though :iconimsrspervplz:

Iain and art © to CajunMutt Do not use for anything

Artwork drawn on iPhone using ArtStudio.

Image size

500x1000px 88.56 KB