{OCs} Day 7 Forgotten ~ Cattober 2024 by candiiiuwu on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Day 7: Forgotten

OCs: Daniil, his mother Yeva and his uncle Orif

#cattober #oc-tober #inktober

The first full week for inktober CATTOBER arts ahhh!!!


"When he saw those big blue eyes and heard the

excitement in his small voice, all the bitterness was forgotten."

After so many years searching for his sister, all the ups and downs of the search and bumps along the way; nothing still, could have prepared him for what he'd find.

To start, he never expected she would have run off to sneak into the Embassy territory. That was the first shocker. The next was simply how much older she looked.---It had been six whole years since they spoke after their fight, and he'd felt awful about it for all this time. It was a bittersweet relief to finally see her again; and the initial surprise of how much she'd matured and grown was enough of a punch in the gut and reality check...

But the true stunning surprise that Orif came to find upon reuniting with his younger sister, at long last; was that apparently... she'd had a baby. And that baby was now six years old himself.---He was stunned. Floored. Out of all the things he imagined might happen upon approaching her, having a conversation about a child he never met until now was not on his check list.

He wanted to be angry about the secrets. He wanted to be bitter about her rushing off all that time ago and putting herself in so much danger. He really wanted to be angry with her.---But at the same time... when those big blue eyes greeted him with such excitement; when his bubbly voice echoed into the evening air, all of the bitterness he felt was simply forgotten. The barriers that caused separation among them were knocked down and Orif was simply ready to begin this new chapter with his younger sister and his nephew.


So ahhh!! These are some babies from OotD!! Which is another of the many stories that @tatty1907 aka @ quillandcanvas and I are working on together ;;;www;;; The writing above is onyl a small snippet of how everything goes with them tbh---they are really precious, and this isn't the full on accurate thing of their VERY first meeting, it is somewhere near there for fun ;;;www;;; DANIIL BBY AND YEVA are made by @tatty1907 aka @ quillandcanvas and their story and universe are set up by her as well 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺


This challenge is in collaboration with @tatty1907 aka @ quillandcanvas !!!