SweetsFactory REBEL App - Anneliese Antoinette by cappy-code on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

UPDATE 12/14/20: Rebel Liesie said it's time to be a knight let's goooooooo
I'll update the rest of the description when I wake up tomorrow...


"I can't keep letting people take care of me. It's not fair! No... this time, I'll protect myself, and everyone else I care about too!"

(Previous Apps!)


BASIC INFORMATION Name: Anneliese Antoinette
Nicknames: Liesie / Lisa
Age: 22 (since 5/5/20)
Gender/Sex: Female
Job: Concoctionist
Sweet: Frozen Raspberry Pie

DOB: 5/5

Bullet; Red Curvy, long chocolate hair
Bullet; Yellow Bold pink skin.
Bullet; Red A sparkle in her eyes
Bullet; Yellow Smells strongly of her sweet (raspberry and... chocolate???)


(+) Overdressing - there's no shame in looking cute all the time!
(+) Flowers, Chocolate, presents - All that cheesy stuff lovers are supposed to give to each other.
(+) Trying new things - She is all for trying new things, even if said things aren't traditionally pleasent.
(+) Books - "What's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet."
(+) Tennis - She both watches and plays the sport.


(-) Bad weather - "Rain, rain, go away, come again some other day."
(-) Persistent people who can't take "no" for an answer - when she says no, she means it.
(-) "Debbie downers" - people who are always upset about trivial stuff rub her the wrong way.
(-) Bitter tea or coffee - "Just a spoon full of sugar helps the medicine go down~"
(-) The cold - s-s-s-sooooo.. chilly!!!!

Fears: Bullet; RedGuns Bullet; Yellow Abandonment Bullet; RedSpiders Bullet; Yellowbeing in the dark (physical and metaphorical) Bullet; RedBeing found out.... Pixel: Broken HeartNever finding love

Anneliese is a small, charming young lady with a Bullet; Greencheerful, Bullet; Greengirly disposition. She is very Bullet; Greenhardworking and values endurance over laziness. She is somewhat of a hopeless romantic and does her best to bring out the good in everyone. This, at times, makes her look timid and Bullet; Redfragile in nature, especially with the way she gets Bullet; Redlost in her own head. However, despite her innocent and occasionally Bullet; Yellowplayful personality, she's not stupid and far from naive. She can tell when she's being taken advantage of and may suddenly go Bullet; Redcold when things turn south. In circumstances like this, when her fragility is tested, she's rather Bullet; Redforward with her feelings, instantly telling you if she likes or does not like something (sometimes this can make her look Bullet; Redstubborn or rude come the circumstances). She takes good stride in humor and stays Bullet; Greeneasygoing through life, not letting the worst of situations get to her (sometimes you just need to laugh about things!). She's rather Bullet; Greenempathetic, and when others are hurt she feels their pain.

Anneliese is a girl that has never known true suffering or sadness. Not that she didn't have any troubles growing up. She was adopted as a small baby and grew up with two very wealthy foster parents. Though she always did wonder what her real parents were like, her foster parents were the two sweetest individuals she could ever know and she felt truly loved in their hands. Though constantly working, and though their parenting methods were not perfect, the two adults made sure she and her adoptive sister weren't spoiled children. From time to time, they'd send the two girls away on trips with their crazy Great Auntie on a farm at the edge of town. The woman was poor, and told lots of odd stories, but Anneliese learned a thing or two about humility and using her imagination when she was forced to stay with her, spending most of that time outside playing in the backyard or visiting some of the local farm kids.

During one of these trips, when great auntie dozed off and little Liesie and her sister went out to play, a strange yet sweet candy approached them. The two girls were almost kidnapped if not for a kind neighbor noticing the perpetrator right away. However, once her parents got word of that, her trips with crazy great auntie ended right then and there. She certainly never forgot the woman. After that, her life was more quiet and sheltered, and Anneliese spent more days inside and alone. Those days were kind of lonely, but whenever she found someone to talk to, it was hard to get her to stop talking.

There came a point where Liesie wanted to go to school with other kids instead of being home-schooled, and with some convincing her parents allowed her to enroll in private school during her high school years. The adjustment was more difficult then Anneliese expected at first, but it became one she did not regret. Eventually decided to begin fledgling her own wings in the world. Though her parents easily paid off most of her college intuition, she figured she wanted to do some of the work herself. She decided to start small, applying first as a


janitor in the elite factory, and hopes to find her place in Dulcet Laeta.




⭐ All she knows is her body is naturally colder than usual, and she can secrete sticky chocolate. She can't control either of these things right now since it's totally new to her, but it's something she hopes to understand some day.

Strengths and Weaknesses:

Bullet; Green Honest with herself and with others.
Bullet; Green Confident (in her profession and looks).
Bullet; Green Sociable and easy to talk to.
Bullet; Green Thorough in her technique.
Bullet; Yellow Has high standards, but not unachievable high.
Bullet; Red Extreme changes in temperature. She's not used to her body, so extreme hots and colds may harm her.
Bullet; Red Occasionally snooty at times.
Bullet; Red Gets lost in her own world.
Bullet; Red Occasionally squeamish, in regard to bugs.

Item: Parasol - before it was for her sensitive skin on sunny days, but now it's just for aesthetic.




I am cappycode on most all social media and messaging platforms.

Regard Roleplay Preferences:

Bullet; Green Skype (yes!), Bullet; Green Discord (yes!), Bullet; Green Google Docs (yes!), Bullet; Red dA comments/notes (no!)

Contact me if you wanna HC or RP! I'm up for anything except mature themes. I like to write short paragraphs (lit), but I can go shorter (or longer) if necessary. You can see more deets in my roleplay meme.