Ladybug and Chat Noir Glaciator by carolina123hey on DeviantArt (original) (raw)
Published: Jan 21, 2018
Here I bring you a nice fanart I did from the Glaciator episode scene! It hurt me a lot when he told his that they would only be friends, even though chat noir took it quite well and that makes me happy! And more the one that still does not lose hope! SO BEAUTIFUL! ♥ Forgive the delay that late doing the fanart.
Aqui les traigo un lindo fanart que hice de la escena del episodio Glaciator! Me dolio mucho cuando le dijo que solo serian amigos, aun asi chat noir lo tomo bastante bien y eso me alegra! Y mas el que aun no pierda las esperanzas! TAN HERMOSO! ♥ ! Perdonen la demora que tarde haciendo el fanart
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1357x905px 481.27 KB