Contagion by CarpeDiemRainbowTies on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

For :iconcontagion-iv:
Only a rough draft, will correct mistakes later on. Was on vacation for the majority of the summer so only able to work on it at 1 am earlier today. Crying. Hope I get in.

I got in! :icontearplz:
Name: Bella Prince

Nickname: Billy

Gender: Female

Age: 27

Height: 5’7”

Location: Village

Team: None

Weapon 1: AK-47 She stole from the military base she was stationed at when the infected were raiding the base.

Weapon 2: Japanese Katana she collected during her time abroad. It was difficult to acquire, ‘cause sharp object in a plane full of people is a no-no.

Supplies: Dog tags. A bag of medical supplies she was able to raid from the military bases medical facility.


Gunman. Before the infection, Billy was a Military Captain so she's able to operate guns easily.

Interrogator. She can be an interrogator as well. Although her skills in such are a little rusty after having been a wanderer for a couple of months.

- Brutal- She’s harsh, but she gets the job done.
- Realistic – She tends to understand when a situation is too much and hopeless, and when to stop.
- Strategic – She likes to think before she acts, she cannot run blindly into a situation.
- Intelligent – She’s pretty smart. What else is there to say?
- Quick-Witted – She can think things up quickly in dire situations.
- Focused- She is able to focus on her task despite circumstances.
- Brave- Kind of just generally Brave. She’s not afraid to do things that others would cower before doing.
- Determined- Kind of just generally determined. Even if she’s realistic, it doesn’t mean she can’t handle a situation with everything she’s got.
- Confident- Kind of just generally Confident. Believes she can do everything she puts her mind to.

+Orderly Conduct

-People who disobey orders
-Incompetent people
-The Infected

Pre-Apocalyptic History:
Prior to the apocalypse, Billy was in her second year of captaincy in the military. Her early ranking into a captain is because she came from a military family and she was trained and disciplined since childhood. The term for family only refers to her father. Billy’s mother had died while giving birth and Billy had been named Bella after her mother Isabella. Billy and her father were extremely close. Her father, having loved no other woman but her mother, never remarried. Her father focused his attention solely on raising Billy, even going as far as retiring from the Military instead of continuing on like he had planned. Billy’s interest in the Military was influenced solely by her father. Although he adored Billy, Billy’s father still took it on himself to discipline Billy in the military ways. Despite the harsh training, Billy only continued to adore her father more. Thus, when the time came, she opted to joining the military instead of going to college. Her father cried tears of pride and sadness as he watched his daughter depart.

Post-Apocalyptic History:
Billy survived, because after the infection her troops stopped listening to her. They disregarded her commands, and instead panicked. Their state of panic caused for unnecessary death’s and insanity. Her troops began attacking each other, some with biting and tearing while others shot and knifed. Billy understanding that there was no hope immediately grabbed the closest weapon and began shooting. Simultaneously, she grabbed the nearest sane troops and ordered them to follow her command. Although the base was overrun, Billy and a handful of survivors were able to escape. Carrying along only what they could carry the group began to move in search of a safe place. Under her command they survived multiple months, almost half a year. But after many months of solitude, they began to undermine her authority; after all, what was a single female against 9 men? Sensing their change in attitude towards her, Billy continued to lead, but with a more watchful eye for both outside and inside threats.

One day they happened upon a group of wanderers about five people or so, only men, no guns. Billy told her men to be careful and to not allow the group to join them after all, it was a dog eat dog world now. But these days, they had started listening to her less. So, against her orders, they allowed the group of five to join them on their journey. Her men lowered their guards but she didn’t, and that ultimately saved her life. That very same night, while her men were asleep the group of five began their attack. They slaughtered the closest men, leaving the other four to wake up in a state of panic. Billy, who had not slept a wink had already woken up and began to defend her men. She was only able to kill 2 before 2 more of her men were killed. The last of her group had looked at her with a sense of regret before pulling she pulled them away into the forest. Despite running away, they all knew it was only a matter of seconds before the bandits caught up. The 2 survivors had apologized for undermining her before making her promise them that she would survive and see the end to the apocalypse. They shook her hand and saluted once more and told her they would never regret being under her command before they ran back towards their fallen brothers. They would distract the 3 remaining bandits until their captain could escape.

That night was imprinted into Billy’s mind forever. Her need for survival was to keep her promise to those boys.

Currently, she takes shelter in The Village of Stonewell.

Additional Information:
- She’s a total lesbian bro.
- Her father died right before she became a Captain.
- She carries her father’s dog tags.
- She’s a brute and a real bitch sometimes, but she’s sweet on occasions.
- She’s a really great strategist.
- She lets off steam by fighting.
- She’s got a lot of pent up stress.
- Her katana is strapped to her back, but herAK-47 is held in her hands at all times.
- She’s got a tattoo of a cross on her left wrist, The Army logo on her right shoulder, and her parents names’ on her left shoulder.
- The scars above her right eye were from previous confrontations during her military years. The scars underneath her right eye are from the bandit attacks.
- Her wrapped injuries ( Right upper arm and wrist, and Left knee) were from bandit attacks along the way.