Worst Way to Bring Up Discord by Cartuneslover16 on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Oh, Baldwin, if you had just SEEN Discord, you'd immediately regret asking that question. :XD:

Another scene from my MLP FIM cartoon crossover story "Chaotic Order" that I just HAD to draw! It's from Chapter 2 [link]

Ever since their first night out together on a Friday, and no, it was NOT a date [link] Mr. Baldwin has considered Twilight like a daughter to him. And being the father seahorse figure, Baldy knows he got to try and understand his pony daughter.

So when he notices that Twilight thinking, and feeling guilty, about the creature known as the Spirit of Chaos and Disharmony, whom Baldwin had never met but had learned a thing or two from Twilight and the other Elements of Harmony, he tries to help her let her frustration, guilt, and sadness out...if only he had chosen better words to start it. :XD:

Twilight smiled as she gazed around Freshwater while walking beside her good friend Mr. Baldwin.

True, all this was simply just an aquarium from a normal human's perspective, but if one was to lower to the same size of a fish, they could see the beauty Twilight was seeing. With her magic, she didn't need technology to decrease her pony body to bug-size. But she did need her breathing device.

And Mr. Baldwin. A while back, he was a grouchy, difficult seahorse who wasn't much for going out of his house and hated Friday nights. His students found him boring as well as lame. But Twilight, being friends with most of the fish here in Freshwater, wanted to reach out to him. They weren't that different, him being a teacher and she the star student of Princess Celestia, they just needed to open up to each other.

A nice dinner, talking, and a picture for his Fishbook page, they immediately became great friends.

But to Mr. Baldwin...Twilight was like a daughter to him.

And being a pregnant male seahorse, he wanted his daughter pony figure to be the god mother of his unborn child. He even planned to, if it was a girl, name it Twilight or something just as beautiful.

"I heard your parents are coming to visit," he said as they neared a cafe. "Boy, your dad is a great guy. You know, I was surprised they took my being pregnant thing so well, considering you ponies have never met anything this crazy." He rubbed his bulging belly.

Twilight laughed as they took their seats outside the cafe. She quickly adjusted her helmet and breathing device before sitting with her front hooves on the table and her hind legs on the floor. Mr. Baldwin squeezed his stomach against the table while he sat down, his belly looking even bigger as he did so.

"So, Pinkie going to give your parents some sort of welcome party?" Mr. Baldwin asked her. "I haven't forgotten the party she threw me when you told her we were friends now. Oh, and let's not forget how she gathered some people and showered me with gifts because of my pregnancy."

Twilight smiled. "Well, Rainbow Dash is partnering up about it," she explained. "She decided to do it in Cloudsdale."

"Oh, yeah, the Heaven-like place," Mr. Baldwin said, "hey, isn't that where RD won some flying competition and met those Wonder ponies?"

"The Wonderbolts?" Twilight asked. "Yeah, it is."

"Don't you have a crush on one of those guys?" Mr. Baldwin teased. "What's his name? Soarin'?"

Twilight's face immediately turned red and she barred her teeth. "I told you over and over! I just admire his speed and aerodynamics! Nothing more! I'm not into that falling in love stuff!"

"That's not what you said when Red came into town," Mr. Baldwin said playfully.

Thank Celestia he was completely unaware that Red was actually an alien...But still, come on!

"Correction," Twilight stated, "not into that falling in love stuff anymore!"

"You're still young, Sparkle," he laughed. "You'll find some lucky guy, then my baby will have a godfather!" He rubbed his belly. "Oh, think of the chaos this little monster will create!"

The words 'chaos' and 'monster' sifted into Twilight's ears, and her eyes drooped with sudden guilt as she gazed down at her hooves.

Mr. Baldwin took notice of her sudden change in character and raised an eyebrow in worry. "Something wrong, Twilight?"

Twilight didn't even look at him, nor did she seem to hear him. "Chaos...Discord..."

Hearing that word, the pregnant seahorse racked his mind for possible people that would have such a name. True, his student Milo caused chaos every day, but his name wasn't Discord...Where had he heard that name before?

Suddenly, his eyes widened a bit, finally remembering from a small discussion he and the unicorn shared a couple of weeks ago when he had visited Ponyville and was surprised to see Twilight crying while writing in her journal in her library house while Spike was away.

Thank goodness he hadn't fully forgotten or he wouldn't have known that his chosen words had affected her this instant!

Mr. Baldwin looked at Twilight, leaning against the table as he watched her mope. He hated seeing his daughter figure like this...she was always a joy to be around.

He needed to do something. Clearing his throat, he processed the words in his head before finally speaking.

"So what was this Discord like? Was he that ugly?"

Oh, real nice, you idiot...He mentally slapped himself.

Twilight finally looked up at him, the corners of her mouth nearly turning into a sad smile, wanting to laugh at how he was beginning the conversation.

"I wouldn't say ugly..." She stated quietly. "Just...mismatched."

"Like my student Clamantha when she wore every outfit there was to the school dance?" Mr. Baldwin joked.

"Something like that..." Twilight's voice trailed off. "He had the body part of many animals. But I guess...I guess I can mostly remember his lion paw." She shuddered a bit. "Well, how could I forget his lion paw? It stroked me cheek!"

"Hold on," Mr. Baldwin said in a serious tone as he gazed at Twilight carefully, "he touched your cheek?"

She nodded.

"My gosh! He's a creep!" Mr. Baldwin cried. "And that was only the start compared to how much trouble he caused you and your friends! Really, whatever happened to that guy, I hope he doesn't bother you again!"

Twilight blinked, her lips tightening. "Actually..." She sighed. "He won't. Because we turned him into stone."

"Stone?" Mr. Baldwin repeated, his glasses nearly falling off his face in surprise.

Before he could speak further, a waitress arrived with their menus. "Can I start you off with something to drink?"

Mr. Baldwin looked from the waitress to Twilight. The look on her face told him to drop the conversation...forget that they even mentioned Discord. With a sigh, Baldwin turned his eyes toward his menu.

"Yeah," Mr. Baldwin began, though he still felt uneasy, "I'll have a cup of coffee..."

Twilight Sparkle from My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic (c) Lauren Faust
Mr. Baldwin from Fish Hooks (c) Noah Jones