Sephiroth - Mako Glare by Cataclysm-X on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

I'm SO having a love/hate affair with this drawing!!!

Sephiroth from the game Crisis Core. In the beginning I really liked to draw this picture, but in the end I felt like pulling my hair out of my head.

'But... why!!', you say?

Because the paper kept tearing apart when I

  1. wanted to blend the pencillines and;
  2. wanted to erase just a few lines.
    In real life this so looks like crap, lol.
    Hurray for Photoshop's magic tricks' box! :3

Sephiroth: '...........'

Made this for my dear dA friend *Jumei as an arttrade. She made me a wonderful Vincent Valentine which I'll treasure forever!!!!!!!
Be sure to check her awesome gallery too. I'm sure you'll :heart: it.

Sephiroth: '...........'

Stuff I used:
* 4H, 2H, H, HB, B, 2B and 3B mechanical pencils

* 6B regular pencil

* ref from FF:CC

* the worst quality A5 paper like... I don't know...EVER?!?

Time spent: approx... 9 hours

Sephiroth: '......I'm too sexy for my-' :sing:

Don't you dare to sing that song!!!!!!!

Sephiroth: '...sorry...'

Work in progress can be found here:

...and dA... I'll kill you if you move this to my scraps, like you did to some of my other artworks... 🫡

Okay, time to do something really interesting for some of my dear dA friends... :D