White-Eye by CatBeast17 on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Ello :iconhideplz:

Just swingin' by to tell you all I am still alive.
And, oh yes. To submit some art.
That too.

I am most apologetic that I disappeared for three months(?) a while back there. A journal will follow soon to explain my absence, but I'll save the novel of an explanation for that, yes ;) In the meantime, I'll talk about this.


Well, I guess all I can conjure to say about this is that it was supposed to be something simple....that turned into a more. ENGAGING project. That turned into me finally throwing in the towel after working on the eye alone for like, 4 hours. (was planning on doing something more with the fur, but EEEEERRRGH).
So I say this is finished for now. More work could be done to it, but I'm too lazy :XD:

And as you can tell, eyes forever fascinate me. For me, I've discovered they are the key to making a drawing come together. They can be oh-so difficult to get right, but the payoff is worth it :)

I hope you like it!

White Bengal Tiger Eye 2014-1015