Japanese Geisha/Geiko Picture Relaxation by Catman2017 on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Catman2017 on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/catman2017/art/Japanese-Geisha-Geiko-Picture-Relaxation-988637176Catman2017

Deviation Actions


(Part 3)
Inktober 2023 day 17 prompt: demon. I'm looking at a brunette Japanese geisha/geiko/geigi woman to help me relax from panic attacks. Geisha/geiko/geigi/pictures are my focus object and my go-to against panic attacks. The color red in Japan is believed to ward off evil spirits/demons. Panic attacks/anxiety attacks are believed to be spiritual/demonic attacks from religious beliefs

Image size

1200x2000px 69.14 KB