Brother Dominance Complete by CCWashi on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Please do not Copy or Repost without written permission and full credit given to me Lion King belongs to Disney - Duh

I know in the new movie (still haven't seen it) they kind of hint that Scar challenged Mufasa for the throne once before and failed. I don't like really the Lion Guard or the Six New Adventures ideas for how Scar got his scar. Both seem.... idk really silly, though the Six New Adventures Tale of Two Brothers seems more likely to me because Scar kind of set up his own trouble

First off, lets just be honest, the original writers never had another name intended for scar. In fact since most of the names all originate from Swahili, Mufasa=King, Simba=Lion etc Scar's name TECHNICALLY would have been Kovu. (Lion King 2 screws up a bunch of stuff) I don't believe for one minute they imagined The Lion King would be quite as amazing as it was, leaving people to ask the questions like, wait, his parents named him Scar? What was his name before that? I think there was zero foresight for beginning or future and the story was just intended at least at first to be told as it was. In that time frame and moment.

This doesn't mean however we don't enjoy coming up with our own theories.

While I don't like theories that demonetize Mufasa I do kind of like the idea of combining ONE aspect of the Cartoon with the Live Action, and that is Mufasa being the one who gave Scar his scar, but not out of bullying or neglect.

Personally I like the theory that Scar did attempt to challenge Mufasa for the throne at some point, after having cause some problems of trying to rule behind Mufasa's back, leading to Mufasa, for the sake of keeping his throne and the peace was forced to protect his birthright and put his brother in his place. Had Scar won, I have no doubt he would have kicked Mufasa out and that is a story I would have loved to see as well, but since Mufasa won, and is the more compassionate of the two brothers, he allowed Scar to stay, the scar on his eye perhaps serving as a sign to those in the Pride Lands that he had tried and failed to usurp the king.

For me this better explains the first scene with Scar and Mufasa in the First Movie, why Mufasa was so quick to get his whiskers in a twist when Scar started showing defiance to honoring Simba as the next King, because he had seen his brother act out before at obtaining the throne some time ago and was reminded of the defiance.

What the TLK Theories really come down to though is whether you are going to follow REAL lion behavior, or Animals with HUMAN behavior, because then stuff starts getting dark and twisted as I don't think they can be properly meshed together.

In the wild, there is the male lion and his pride. Sometimes brothers rule together though I'm not sure if that is ever a permanent arrangement (I'm sure there are some brother lions who have set a record somewhere) While papa lion doesn't kill his own cubs, he will chase off his sons when they are older for them to find their own prides and avoid in breeding. His daughters usually end up getting scooped up by some other lions sons so that lion life continues. Looking at nature like that makes sense and you can have peace just knowing that is how it has to be for the strongest to live and survive.

On the other hand though, Lion King while operating out of the bodies of animals has always come from a very human behavior standpoint, and so that, is in my opinion where lion king theories need to operate from. Animals can talk to each other, a King's throne is passed to his son, betrothals are a thing, and birds are your lion assistants.

Anyway this is my rant for the day if you read nothing that is fine just enjoy the picture XD