Ddraig Goch by Chaos-Draco on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Hi Everyone

Here another work for the most famous TCG in chile called "Mitos y Leyendas", the real name is "Dragon de Gales" or " Welsh Dragon", I work for 3 or 5 days with photoshop. I hope you like it!

Wikki attack!!!
"According to tradition, the origin of the red dragon represented on the flag of Wales, Ddraig Goch or called Welsh Dragon comes from an ancient conflict between two of these beasts, one white and one red.

The white dragon was said to be evil incarnate, but there was a problem, and it was the constant clashes between these two dragons caused damage in humans, and it was believed that the mere sound emitted when fighting was enough to leave those I would listen without issue.

Llud, the then monarch of Great Britain decided to find a solution to this great conflict, for which he took counsel with his wise brother Llefelys. This offers you dig a huge hole in the center of the kingdom and then fill of mead, so dragons get drunk and then were easier to abate. His plan works half as both beasts trapped for centuries, but still kept alive.

Much later a new king named Gwrtheyrn decides to build a large castle on prison dragons, discovering both creatures even in captivity. Gwrtheyrn seeks advice the illustrious magician Merlin, who advised the release of the beasts so they can continue their battle. Once free, the fight between the two creatures ends with the victory of the Red Dragon, so centuries later, King Wthyr Bendragon (or Uther Pendragon, father of the legendary Arthur of Camelot) decides to take the figure of the red dragon as a symbol of his lineage and Wales.

When a sunset in Snowdonia, the sky turns red, which makes them remember the great red dragon of Wales".

Sorry for my bad english!

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Another work for "Mitos y Leyendas"

Spartan army by Chaos-Draco Devastating dragon by Chaos-Draco The Ripper of dragons by Chaos-Draco Fire attack! by Chaos-Draco