Happy Birthday Celestia! by CharCharRose131 on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Such a thing to say one can over think something

so meaningless as a game that proves in a room of

nameless no-bodies that you are truly somebody,

that no mater how special everyone may be in the

end they are no different that the next.

Yes in the we all bleed, we all hope, and we all die.

We all have desires, to be more than we are, and

we all have truths that we hope to conceal. For

in this room of warm bodies, i am the only no-

body that wishes to be more than somebody

Authors notes: i think in the end when you wish to stand out

you end up being more of an eye sore than recognized , and when

you mind your own you end up standing out for the exact reason you

wanted to be ignored