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A Crippled Christmas Carol

A Crippled Christmas Carol By Paracathy “Miss Scrooge…” came a small voice, the plain face of Rebecca Crachett peering around the doorway. “Miss Scrooge, I was hoping I could take the afternoon off, as it’s Christmas Eve?” “What’s that?” Jessica Scrooge looked up from her monitors. “Crachett, what are you going on about? Are the First Quarter projections done?” “They’re… Well, Miss Scrooge, I was hoping that I could finish that up next week, after Boxing Day? They’re not due until-” “They are due when I say they are due, or have you forgotten who owns this firm and pays your salary, Crachett?” “Of course Miss Scrooge, I’ll have them done before I go home. I’m sorry to have bothered you Miss Scrooge.” the thin woman said quickly, practically bowing as she hurriedly left the office. “Christmas Eve…” Jessica Scrooge scoffed. “As if that matters to the clients.” She went back to her screens. “They don’t even celebrate Christmas in Japan… Can’t let them have that kind of