Paper Ashy - Applause! by CharmeleonWarrior on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

CharmeleonWarrior on DeviantArt

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CharmeleonWarrior's avatar

Published: Aug 25, 2023


Been a while since I did something Paper Ashy related, but I figured I'd test it out in terms of FireAlpaca, which came out... kinda decent? May try another go at it, who knows


Ashy (c) Me
Geno (c) Square Enix
Paper Mario (c) Nintendo

Image size

1200x1200px 493.65 KB

SuperMatthieuBros's avatar

Been a while since we had one of these. Looks great, especially with the orange haze colour here. Man FireAlpaca really does a great job making stuff look beautiful doesn't it.

Nice work Ashy. Is Paper Ashy getting the applause from leveling up, I know that can happen in some Paper Mario games, forgot which ones though since I've only played Paper Mario 64, Super Paper Mario (My personal favourite) and Paper Mario: Sticker Star.