BJBB: Kenneth [Spades] by cheese-drop on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Kenneth has lived a nice life up until the age of 7.
He grew up with both of his parents and his little sister Kesia.

The gene scientists had created a while ago ran through the family, meaning he
was cursed to end up with it as well just like his parents and little sister. They
weren't rich nor were they poor, they were the typical average household. Both
of his parents worked in shops. Even though they didn’t get paid a lot, it was
enough to support their kids.

Because his parents worked so much he only got to spend time with them in the
evening at dinner time. He often played with other kids on the streets. He
would go out with the other boys to cause chaos him being the leader of his
little ‘gang’. It were happy times for
Kenneth and he didn’t realize how harsh the real world was until his father got
home once from work saying he was fired.

The reason for this was that normal humans were disgusted of his ears and tail,
which made Kenneth acting out in a mix between frustration and anger;

‘’ I don’t understand!’’ He stated. ‘’ We’re the same! We just have a tail and
ears.’’ He touched his little ears while stating the obvious.

His dad hushed him and patted his head without a word. Kenneth however still
didn’t understand, and started growing a dislike towards humans.

Now the family only had one working parent,
all their savings had to be spent on food and Kenneth’s mom and dad became desperate.
Eventually it came to the point where their dad had to borrow money. For a little while everything
seemed fine. The family could buy food and drinks again and Kenneth’s dad was
doing his best looking for a job.

This didn’t really go as planned, though. After a few months of looking for a
job he was still unable to find one. The loan couldn’t be paid back and this is
where things got even worse. On a day like every other his dad was later than
usual. Kenneth didn’t notice however, since he was still hanging around with
his friends.

One day when Kenneth's father asked him to get home again, Kenneth was told
he should get a job since just two persons having a job and getting paid wasn't
enough to keep the household running. He was 17 that day. His happy life was ruined.
He eventually found a job in a dirty fabric, sewing shoes for the richer people
although it didn't get paid very well, they did manage to run the household.

That, however was until his father god deadly ill. Medicine they couldn't afford,
and the doctor told it was their own fault for being such an awful breed. They said
the breed was asking for these kind of diseases just for excisting.

1 year went on and Kenneth, his sister and his mother did anything to make his
father's fate comfortable. The day was finally there and the poor man died, on a Tuesday.
The most dreadful tuesday Kenneth will ever remember. It was also the day he ran away from home,
leaving anything behind, wanting to start a new life.
He believed he would just be a burden to his mother and little sister, after all he was just a mouth more to feed.

And thus he found out living on the street wasn't as easy as he expected. He had no money,
no food, no water and no where to go. He thought he were to die, being stupid because he
ran away from his problems, thinking it'd solve them. He thought he was lost, until he overheard
people talk about this organization that helped people like him become more than they are, to
elliminate the people that were so cruel to his father. Kenneth took the revenge of his father's dead
as motivation to find out more information about the group and eventually join it himself.

- He is half Irish and half Dutch

- He used to own a pet turtle called Shellshocker, which he loved very much

- He smokes a LOT

- Even though he has a beefy build and works out every once in a while, don’t
try to get him to run; He won’t last longer than 2 minutes. (after that he
probably faints of exhaustion or something)

- He becomes a clingy baby when he’s very drunk .

- He usually introduces himself as Ken. (Don’t call him Kenny it annoys him, his little sister used to call him that)

- He goes absolute batshit when his computer freezes or it doesn’t work the way he wants it to.

- He can count money faster than the speed of light

- He likes teasing people for their height

- He’s not a virgin anymore.

- He has a scar on his lip which he got when he was younger; He tried opening a pocket knife with his teeth (I think that explains enough)