143days: Laylin Clawson by CheshireQtea on DeviantArt (original) (raw)


" Blep "


Human Name: Laylin Clawson
Animal Name: Blueberry
Nicknames: [ optional ]
Age: 24 years old
Gender: Female
DOB: April 24th
Species: Cat
Breed: Russian blue cat
Height: 5'0"


P ositive personality traits Kind | Loyal | Loving
N eutral personality traits Flirty| Flexible | Calm
N egative personality traits Lazy| Jealous | Childish

When you meet this kitten, she is a very sweet person in general to everyone she is able to meet. Will always have your back and give you a lot of hugs in hope of making your day brighter than it was before. She isn't strict with dates or timing, she will most likely be there for them if they need someone to talk to or just hang out with. Be warned, if you are someone she might be into, she won't be afraid to throw in some flirting because she loves to see how the other would react. Don't worry she won't bring it in too strong she isn't that type of person.
But, as you get use to being around her, she won't be afraid to show her natural colors.They are honestly lazy at home and don't want to do so much. She doesn't worry much about situations depending on what they are such as organizing and working on her hair. She is very childish when it comes to dirty jokes or if an item looks inappropriate. She won't be afraid to tell you what she thinks of it. But, she will respect your wishes if you tell her to stop because she wouldn't want to lose a friend at that point.

S trengths quick reflexes
W eaknesses eyesight

L ikes
- food
- taking naps
- getting picked up
- being goofy
- cooking
D islikes
- burnt food
- baggy pants
- cucumbers
- coffee
H obbies makes origami, collects enamel pins


In the beginning, Jaylin was a street cat that survived off of scraps and food given to sweet humans. One day, she got in a big fight with another stray cat that lead to her loosing an eye. That's when some strangers took her away since she wouldn't be able to fight them off. The only reason why she didn't try to escape was due to them feeding her and taking care of her, making it feel like a safe place. But, once she was brought back into the world with these new features she can turn into she didn't know what to do. During that time it was when it was shunned apon, so she kept her cat form and kept on wondering around Tokyo to soon find the 143 cafe. It had a big welcoming vibe to it, as if it was a big family she never had. It really saved her, if she kept on living out in the streets who knows where she had ended up at.


- Voice claim: Youtuber iHasCupquake
- usually wears other crop tops
- it's rare to see her hair out of her face
- has an eye patch
Relationships: [ list all relationships your character has ]


**Timezone:**[ timezone in GMT ]
Style: Paragraph
Platforms: Discord, Skype, Notes
Comfort Zone: romance, drama, chill time, etc.

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Don't be afraid to ask to rp with me !! I love to have my child make new friends <3

character and art (c) CheshireQtea
App (c) rightful owner