Joseph by CHIM43RA on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Name: Joseph Cooper
Nicknames: ---
Age: 47
Species: human
Gender: male
Wife: Erika Cooper (deceased), likely dating or remarried
Son: Daniel Clarke (possibly others from other partners)

- curly blonde hair and blue eyes
- always dressed smartly
- hates cats,,
- only married Erika because he wanted a 'pet' that he didn't have to look after
- incredibly short-tempered and quite violent (going so far as trying to rip off Erika's ears, )
- presents himself as incredibly friendly and kind outside of the house (and likely would be to most people)
- not incredibly rich, but has a fair sum of money
- very rarely used Erika/Dan's names (they were just 'you' most of the time - and Dan was only ever called 'Daniel', leading him to reject the name entirely)
- only ever called Dan once, (to let him know Erika was dead)
- claims her death was a traffic accident, but he could be responsible (as Dan wasn't around to do anything)
- has probably forgotten Dan exists