2160 Beyond S2 Episode 8: Cold Shoulder by CinTanGallery on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Grendel has still been pretty haunted. The Pale Green Dot in the sky that night, as well as The Gray technology infecting a planet so close to Fraternity main sectors, has distracted her from work and such. Shes afraid of what they’re doing, and hates she isn’t there to know, but at the same time, is glad she doesn’t need to be there.

Her mind has been racing through confusing things and thoughts. It got so bad she just needed to stop her work, and head back to her room, in which she didn’t leave for a whole day, which is very strange for her to do.

The next day, Ravish had stopped by The Alumni to check up on her friends

Ravish Goes up to the door and knocks. Grendel opens the door

The 4 girls then took a transport down into the clouds of Venus, and found a bar and grill. Ravish was being very extra today, trying to be funny. Ginevra would stay close to Grendel, rubbing up against her like a cat would. And Marla would talk and talk and talk, all things keeping Grendels mind off things. And she really did start to enjoy things and live in the moment keeping Grendel in the moment, and not thinking about The Grays. She was really starting to have a good time.

She then took a step outside into the lot of the grill. She looked out into the sky, cloudy but making beautiful shapes, in orange yellows and even purples. She takes a deep breath in and out

Suddenly she is enveloped in a green force field bubble, wrapping around her from a device thrown at her feet. She recognized the technology. It was Gray in nature. She looked to her side and there he was. A tall man, A Gray, though his skin was a dark gray, nearly black, and dressed with armor and a poncho dawning the symbol of The Queen specifically. His name is Vendor

She points her wrist down, and from her bracelets comes a Electron Bullet, damaging the device, and disabling the shield. She hits him in the face and runs back inside the restaurant.

The door was busted down! Vendor walked in, raising his Laser Gun at stun. Grendel jumps and pushes everyone down on the ground as the laser hits another in the restaurant. The place goes into chaos and people start running out.

Ravish quickly gets up, as Vendor is ready to shoot her, but then she raises her feathers and unfolds them, getting big and puffing them up, all the while growling. Vendor was caught off guard. That is when Grendel and Co got up and ran outside the back door. Vendor got confused but quickly punched and kicked her out of the way. Running to the back to see no one there. He ran back inside, and saw Ravish was gone as well. He ran outside and saw Grendel's Saucer fly up into the atmosphere and away

Ravish was put on the medical bed. Her head was split open. Marla took the wheel and headed up to the Alumni, while Grendel took one of her devices and waved it over Ravishes head. It was patched up.

They landed in The Alumni. Ravish was taken to the Hospital area where Oriole properly patched up her injury. Riley was informed by Grendel about the Hunter and put The Alumni on Purple Alert, an alert letting the crew know there could be possible danger on the base and to be alert. She then sent down Molly and some officers to inspect what happened and where the hunter may have gone.

Grendel was then relieved of duty, confined to her quarters for her safety. Ginevra accompanied her though. She started to pace around, somewhat panicking that shes seen this much Gary activity so close

Ginevra giggled a little then stopped. Her ears perked up, and her nose was vigorously sniffing the air. Grendel then asked what was the matter…

Just then she was shot! Only stunned, but thrown across the room. Grendel quickly turned around and was then chained by the neck, glowing green in color. She was then pulled into the shadows, where Vendor had been waiting

He headed to the window where he parked his saucer and got inside, ready to jump out. But then they heard a loud bark, and Ginevra leaped and bit Vendor on the leg! Teeth digging into his leg, drawing blood. He screamed in pain, and let go of the chain, that allowed Grendel to run out of her room! All the while Ginevra viciously attacking Vendor, as he fights back

Grendel ran up to the communications booth, and hailed The Captain's Office, where Riley was.

The security team quickly got to the staff habitation ring, just as the lockdown started. Those who were inside their cabins were locked inside, and Grendel's door remained open. 6 Officers raised their guns ready to fight him, alongside Grendel.

Vendor looked like a mess. Deep cuts and blood seeping through. He raised Ginevra in the air by the back of her neck.

Vendor then throws her into Grendel's cabin, and pulls out a gun of his own. A shootout has begun.

Vendor had a protective shield easily deflecting the shots fired, but with Grendels knowledge of how it works, she enhances her laser beam, raising it to 9/10, and SHOOTS! It overloads the shield, and shoots the hunter back! Disabling the shield as well.

Ravish then stomps on his face! Knocking him out.

Soon later Grendel's cabin was secured and fixed up. Ginevra was taken to the Hospital areas and patched up by Oriole, good as new. As for Vendor and his saucer, it was taken into custody of Venusian soldiers, and taken to the military headquarters on the planet. Vendor himself was taken into Venusian authorities, awaiting some sort of trial if one comes, and information regarding his home.

Grendel however, had some words to say to him

Grendel got up and left the cell. She quickly headed back to The Alumni after. She then walked into the large food court, and spotted her friends. They all waved at her and ushered her to come. She did

Grendel then spent the rest of the day with them. Doing exactly what Vendor told her to do. Spend as much time as she can here. Cause she knows…

She knows it's not gonna last

End S2 Ep8