Diamondsona- Green Diamond by circifox on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

I've been trying to draw gems more lately, and I've wanted to draw a diamond at one point, but I was unsure when. I ended up getting inspired by seeing other people's diamonds and diamonsonas, which led me to draw my own.

So, here's Green Diamond.
Green Diamond (Leader of her Court)

Gem Location: Chest

- Inspirational Aura (GD is able to inspire other gems and basically bring life and motivation into them to work)

Green Diamond is a Diamond of artistic qualities, and is known to commonly paint and create works of art in her court. Though she is not a part of the Great Diamond Authority (mainly for the intent of keeping the power limited and her leadership style), there is respect for her artwork and her skill with handling and soothing other gems. She is known to be soft-spoken and quiet, and quite kind and pleasant, though she is known to be fierce and intimidating when she's upset (which tends to be rare). The appearances and actions of other gems make her curious, and she loves to paint portraits of gems as result. She also likes painting landscapes and events that have inspired her, and as result, her base is somewhat of an art gallery.

At times, she can be anxious and worries about the gems in her court, as well as it's visitors. She tries her best to keep the harmony in her court, and tries her best to fix things if trouble or mischief have stirred the natural order into chaos.

Notable Relationships:

- Great Diamond Authority: Despite being kicked out of the Great Diamond Authority, Green Diamond doesn't mind it much, and is still on good terms with Blue Diamond, whom she commonly speaks with and spends the most time with. She is distant from Yellow Diamond and White Diamond, and is saddened by what happened to Pink Diamond, yet she can almost understand why what happened did with the escalation of the war.

- Light Green Pearl: Pearl was a part of her court once and served under one of her gems. However, her master's disappearance led her to eventually be transferred over.

- Though GD doesn't necessarily allow fusion in her court, she finds it to be interesting and enjoys drawing fusions. However, that doesn't mean that she'd want to fuse herself, making fusion policies strict.
- She enjoys puns a lot
- She commonly ties her hair up into a bun while she's painting
- She likes having small tea parties from time to time
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