Portal2 fluff- SPOILER by clover-comics on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

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clover-comics on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/clover-comics/art/Portal2-fluff-SPOILER-256077277clover-comics

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clover-comics's avatar

Published: Aug 31, 2011


Hmmnnnhphhh I'm sooo in love with ANYTHING that has to do with that game <3
Especially GLaDOS and Chell =D

Yep, another fandom added to my list. (I discovered today that I was faaar from being the first one to draw this shipping (human GLaDOS & Chell))

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700x1987px 296.44 KB

Dragonjek's avatar

GLaDOS looks surprised in panel 3. Hm... did something else delete Caroline, or was that an unintentional reveal that she had already deleted Caroline, and that it was just GLaDOS who loved Chell?