Shira, Daughter of Master Adjunct Gular'shel by CMed2500 on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

YouTube link with music and animation:

Music is by Antonio Aguirre, a talented composer of video game music and the sound technician for the Blue Man Group. I recommend checking out his website to learn more about this accomplished video game composer.


The artwork of Shira was done by A1tar.

The animation of Shira was done by Mackswell.

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It's highly recommended to read Gabatrix: The Violet Wave and earlier stories to avoid spoilers.

At the dawn of the Itrean Emphra conflict of 2280, each of the Itrean clans fought against the dreaded Emphra, a race of silver liquid with the ability to possess, control, and devour lifeforms in their insatiable desire to find more. By 2285-2288, each of the clans slowly put aside their differences and worked together to help one another out. Then, each of the clans made the decision to choose one person to take command of the fleets and serve as Grand Master or Master Adjunct of their clan fleets.

For the Shal’rein clan, it was decided to make Gular’shel, a well-known master tactician for the Shal’rein Autarch and Shal’rein Council, the one who would oversee all future fleet engagements when it came to fighting the Emphra. It’s considered unanimous by Itrean historians that the decision was the correct one as Gular’shel had helped turn the tide against the Emphra, often fighting in difficult battles while completely outnumbered and ensuring that little to no Emphra ships could break through the planetary defense lines. Gular’shel and the other Master Adjuncts are looked at as Heroes of the Itrean people, being recognized as almost as important, if not more important, than the clan leadership themselves.

Long after the Emphra War, Gular’shel would serve as a personal advisor to the Shal’rein Autarch while retaining his role as Master Adjunct. Even if the war with the Emphra were over, the three Itrean Master Adjuncts would retain their position roles for life. During the rise and fall of the United Itrean Republic, Gular’shel would fall in love and become mated with Veleshar in the 2320s. Veleshar would give birth to their one and only child, whom they named Shira.

Much about Shira’s early history has been unavailable until recently. Shira, much like how Itrean genetics work, retains a lot of her looks from her father, far more than her mother. It was believed that Shira was raised on the planet Shal’tar, one of the main capital worlds of subclan Nak’Ko’Ken. During the time of her birth and her early years as an infant, she was part of the Great Expeditions, orchestrated by Gular’shel. It was believed by the Master Adjunct that the Emphra had survived and evacuated some of their fleets into the unknown regions of Itrean territories. United Itrean forces would be deployed into deep space throughout the Milky Way Galaxy as Veleshar learned the operational duties from her husband, all the while raising Shira in the process.

Unfortunately, Gular’shel’s wishes fell apart in the years of his many expeditions. Searches proved fruitless and only put a natural divide between him and the Autarch. If anything, the expeditions only proved to the Itreans that the Emphra were gone but also that the need to maintain the great alliance to repel them wasn’t needed anymore. Eventually, the Autarch and the Council called off the expeditions as the United Itrean Republic was dissolved in the late 2330s. Gular’shel’s desire to remain at peace with the other clans had fallen on many deaf ears. Warhawks demanded war, while Gular’shel did his best to dissuade conflict. It also proved to be ineffective, with the Itrean civil war breaking out in 2339.

By the time 2339 to 2340, Zilik’s Disease had taken hold and spread throughout the Itrean people like wildfire, wiping out the Itrean male population. Gular’shel would die in Veleshar’s arms after the couple returned home from a patrol venture. At the time, Shira was undergoing apprentice training with Adjunct Lea’pre, a known associate of Gular’shel and traditionalist in Shal’rein clan warfare and policy.

Gular’shel’s personality is often described as stoic, remarkably intelligent, highly observant, and cold, a firm believer in the Itrean Olava’ko’xek, a philosophical, religious belief among small clusters of Shal’rein monks. In their ideals, emotions were considered to be a sign of hindrance and weakness, and that purging one’s emotions was the only way to handle the strife of life itself. While perhaps not a complete believer at first, it was later theorized by Itrean analysts that the horrors of the Emphra War would reinforce Gular’shel’s ideals that emotions were not needed. It is also believed that Shira would partially embrace her father’s beliefs but not fully until the early 2340s when the Aksren clan would deploy the Glensren Bio-Agent.
While on a brief vacation as a teen, an Aksren clan attack force had managed to launch several bio warheads onto Shal’tar, one of the last recorded attempts to deploy biowarfare on other Itreans during the early years of the Itrean Civil War. Shira would become one of the many victims as the agent had struck her face and eyes. Glensren’s Disease was designed to destroy the Itrean regenerative process, leaving permanent damage or killing the infected host. While horrific, Glensren’s Disease was considered a failure by the Aksren clan since it proved not to be airborne capable or contagious as they thought. It would take a week before a counteragent and cure were introduced to help save the surviving victims of the attack.

Regrettably, the damage was done. It was strongly believed that the wake of fear of being permanently blinded for the rest of her life and the death of her father may have shifted her personality. The “cure” for Glensren’s Disease was designed to help prevent the virus from further spreading throughout the body, thus containing it but never eliminating it. Victims infected by it would have black marks and lesions where the portions of the body had been hit. Even replacement organs couldn’t be used as the contained virus would destroy the new tissue. Shira proved to be fortunate as she was able to regain sight in her left eye, while her right eye (which took the worst damage) would be forever blind.

As she grew into adulthood, Shira became as cold and almost emotionless as her father. She would often work with Adjunct Lea’pre, eventually gaining the ability to take command of her own ships under the Adjunct’s supervision. Much like Gular’shel, Shira would work up in the ranks rather quickly. She is considered the culmination of her father’s wisdom and tactics, Veleshar’s strategy and passions, and Lea’pre’s later guidance. T’rintar clan sources often credited Shira for engaging in strategic and tactical maneuvers in fleet engagements similar to Gular’shel, eventually gaining the nickname “The Death Strategist.” She is described as very smart, observant, shrewd, somewhat cold, and cunning while being careful not to offend the Shal’rein elite and command structure alike.

However, this would ultimately come to an end in 2349 when Greater Adjunct Veleshar defected to the T’rintar clan. The event shocked the Shal’rein command structure, leading to the loss of one of their prized and most expensive warships in the process. The results would be catastrophic in Shira’s career as the Shal’rein hierarchy demanded that Veleshar’s family members be punished. Many of Shira’s closest allies and friends would leave her, denounce her, or disagree with her when she pressed to different proposed operations, with even Adjunct Lea’pre no longer offering support to her. Shira would be reduced in rank while her remaining allies were few and far between to make a difference in her disrupted career.

Five months after the signing of the T’rintar/UWA alliance, Shira would be given the Garja to serve under the guidance of Adjunct Delajar, one of Shira’s last but questionable supporters. Shira would successfully launch an attack on the UWA, distracting Aphadus’s defense fleet, bombarding the city of New San Antonio, and kidnapping Ensign Javier, one of the military staff of the base, all in one maneuver. The goal of the attack was to take human specimens to be experimented on to create a deadly pathogen to wipe out humanity. However, it was later learned that Shira’s true intentions were to determine if the rumors were accurate and that humanity offered a cure for Zilik’s Disease, allowing male Itrean children to be born again. What was considered to be propaganda or lies to the Shal’rein clan had actually become true, persuading Shira to turn on Delajar and defect to the UWA, surrendering herself, her ship, and the crew in the process. The Garja would be handed over to the T’rintar clan. Her crew would be interned and moved to live on Earth. Meanwhile, Shira refused to live on Earth or be sent to the T’rintar clan, preferring to live with her new mate, Javier.

Instead, in a surprise move, Admiral Anaya, the new CO of the Aphadus defenses, would offer Shira a position as a UHN petty officer. In Anaya’s arguments, the admiral believed that if Shira was smart enough to overwhelm Aphadus’s defenses, then Shira’s guidance would be even greater. Her knowledge of Shal’rein equipment, strategy, and tactics was something that she couldn’t ignore while keeping her close in the process. As Anaya later stated, “I wanted to make sure if Shira truly was the devil, to keep her as close as possible so she wouldn’t get away either.” Shira had proved to be quite effective in the UHN while keeping a distance from those who wished to harm her.

Only time can tell about Shira’s contributions to the UWA, as she prefers to be with humans rather than necessarily Itreans. She believes that she can offer the most in her expertise while the process of her moving up the ranks begins again, her legacy of being the daughter of Gular’shel being reborn.