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VF - Twelve Years!

Mar 5, 2024

~From the desk of EtherKyu, posted by Silval58!~ Twelve Years. While writing this I suddenly had a strange realization. VictoryFire is now officially older than its own protagonist, Jen! Or is Jen now twelve years older than she was when the comic started? Hmm.. In any case, this calls for a big celebration! So here, have some nice cake from Team Meanies (brought to you by the talented Paige (, one of the artists on the Continuation Team!) But that’s not all. A lot has changed since the last anniversary post. So I want to use this occasion to inform fans of the comic ( that is you :] ) about the progress on the Fan Continuation of VictoryFire! First things first: we are still making slow, but steady progress! The Continuation Team achieved solid advancements in researching the material of the comic. But also the writing has seen good progress. Which means we have to begin to focus more on character refs and the general visual art