craeve - Professional, Interface Designer | DeviantArt (original) (raw)

My Love Note to Tokotas and it's Members

Mar 6, 2022

I've been thinking of this journal for months, and I think now is the perfect time to submit it. This is my love note to the Tokotas group, it's members and it's admins. Starting off with some special people, because; after all; what is the group without it's members? @Redetsky You are my oldest and only RL Tokotas friend. You are the one who brought me into the game, and supported me through my first while in it. You answered my silly questions; gave me genos and co-ownerships to Tokotas; helped me with my art, and made me art to brighten my day. Our art days where we simply sit together and draw for Tokos means so much to me. Thank you for putting up with me for literally decades. @Hiramana Even though you have been less active on dA, your presence on this list is vital. You were my second Tokos friend and likely the person who got me as committed to the game as I am. You gave me amazing Tokos or sold me some for cheap. You gifted me slots, items and art to help me along while