It's Time to Begin by CristalMomoStar on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Edit: 2023 Art Update. Comparison Here:…

Here's a group of old OCs that need far more love than I give them.

From left to right, their names are:

Ronin, Damian, Vice, Savis, and Sasha.

General story:

Their story takes place in a fantasy world.
The four boys are residents of a small village residing deep in the forest.
Sasha is a princess, forced to escape as evil forces lay siege to her castle.
Her caravan is then attacked, leaving her stranded- only to be found by the forest villagers.
She doesn't plan to stay put for long though, as Sasha is determined to save her kingdom.
Inspired by her resolve, the boys agree to follow her on her journey and help however they can.

From left to right, they are:

A hot-headed boy that values strength and loyalty. His father is the village chief's personal guard, and Ronin's greatest inspiration. His goal is to be a pillar of strength for the village, and he works tirelessly to make that happen.
He and Damion grew up together like brothers. Though they have other friends, they are seen as a truly inseparable duo, always pushing each other to do their best.
Ronin has a bit of a Napoleon complex. Though he's not short by any means, he's often caught attempting to straighten up in the presence of people taller than him. This is most noticeable around Vice, who is slightly taller than him, but has poor posture. On the rare occasion Vice stands at his full height, Ronin typically tries to match him.
His weapon of choice is a claymore.

Despite being the son of the village chief, Damian is described as a bit of a wild child. This is in part due to his competitive relationship with the ever energetic Ronin.
However Damian values more than strength, and is quite clever. He often wins battles against Ronin by outwitting him, more than overpowering him.
He is also very self aware. Despite enjoying a bit of rebellion and chaos, Damian knows when to draw the line, and will always do right by his village. He will always put the needs of others before his own.
His weapon of choice is a standard sword.

Vice isn't from the forest village. He was born blind, and very frail, which caused the people of his original village to assume he was cursed or carried some sort of plague. His father even wanted to kill him, but his mother instead chose to run away with him. The two traveled for some time until coming to the forest.
It was there, at the age of 8, Vice was finally accepted.
Damian was the first to welcome Vice into their friend group, seeing him as a new member of the village who deserved community. Savis was next, only hesitating due to his general anxiety around strangers. It wound up being thanks to Savis's dedicated teaching that Vice kept up with their education, despite his disabilities.
Ronin was the last to accept him, being skeptical of change in the friend's dynamic. He did eventually welcome him, though he refused to go easy on him with their playing. This lead to Vice building up a surprising amount of strength and durability.
Even though the other boys raised him up, as they got older they began to see Vice as a source of advice and wisdom. He tends to remain calm and is very perceptive in ways the others aren't.
His weapon of choice is a knife- only used in desperate situations. He is a master tactician though.

He comes from a family of educators and apothecaries. His mother was Damian's personal tutor, his father is the village doctor, and his older sister is one of the village's school teachers.
Though he's a year younger than them, Savis became friends with Ronin and Damian through their family's connections.
Despite his inherent shyness, he is a boy of unyielding optimism. His friends and family find his ability to smile and put others at ease admirable and inspiring; a sentiment he takes great pride in. He did get bullied for his meek personality when he was younger, but Ronin and Damian always being there for him helped him maintain his self confidence.
Once Damian brought Vice into the group and Savis got to know him, the two became extremely close. Savis liked having Vice's calm company, compared to the boisterous duo of Ronin and Damian. And Vice liked Savis' optimism and nurturing nature, willing to help Vice without being patronizing.
His weapon of choice is none. He's a healer.

The princess of a once prosperous kingdom, now on the brink of ruin as the story starts.
Before the tragedy, Sasha could be described a lot like Damian. Somewhat rebellious and competitive, but wise and restrained enough not to overstep. And she carries the same devotion to help her people. Though she is distraught by the horrors that befall her kingdom, it only hardens her resolve.
Despite her parents wanting her to hide until things hopefully blow over, it is her rebellious spirit that ultimately drives her to take action herself. Not the type to sit around and watch her world burn, she takes whatever help she can get (in the form of her new found friends in the forest), and sets out to make things right.
Her weapon of choice is magic. Having studied how to use tomes.

This picture is meant to represent the final moments before the group sets out on their journey to save the kingdom.
In this moment, they're as close to each other as they ever will be, as tragically, things fall apart in unexpected ways on their journey.

This picture is also inspired by the song "It's Time" by Imagine Dragons -…