Republic City: Jie Bao (Revamp) by crotchmund on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

I rp through comments/notes, Google Docs and TegakiE (draw what's happening xD).
I'm actually a pretty slow rper but it helps if you give me a kick in the butt once in a while.
My teeth and claws are polished on a regular basis, so no, I have not the power nor the will to hurt you for asking.

I have nothing to say about vice-versa.

Shoot me a line if you'd like to test out the waters //shot

You don't have to read it all ok//sawb itsawall


Name: Bao Jie (宝 洁)

Age: 19

Nationality: Makapu Village Home of the Moose Lions ( ´;ω;` )/
(Currently Residing in Republic City)

Affinity: Earth, Fire



1.) fortunetelling • A skill that she picked up (surprisingly) from her mother's side, she picked up the interest in it early by watching her grandmother give fortunes. She explored the fortune-telling world through books and observing, however later zeroed in on two forms, oneiromancy (dreams) and tasseomancy (tea leaves/coffee grounds); dabbles in crystallomancy (crystal sphere). Her readings are usually at a 20% chance of being correct, however, and while her accurate readings are 99.9% accurate, her fail readings are complete garbage.
She is still looking for refinement in this skill, however, and uses her birthplace's reputation to reel in customers. (She's a pretty good scammer lmfao//slapped)

2.) domestic work • as the daughter of a pastry shop owner, Bao has worked in the kitchen since before she started school. Despite her low grades (in anything besides self-study), her own interest in the culinary art have earned her a 101% on her moon cakes from the regulars. Likewise, she's bit of a clean freak and germophobe; her kitchen station isn't the only thing that must be clean! Years of mopping and scrubbing have turned this creature of habit into a fast kitchen sweeper.

3.) stability • although sometimes quick to act and rather bull-headed, she will always stick by an ally no matter how bad the odds may be for them. Don't mistake her loyalty for a mean for using her, however, because she knows wrong from right! Even she can tell when things are unfair or when she is not needed, and if you treat her unfairly, prepare to be treated the same way back.

Cheery • Prankster • Hard Worker • Strong Will
Bullheaded • Brutally Honest • Impulsive

A lover of sweets and a big talker, Jie comes off as a cheerful, carefree girl with an obsession with fortunes and pastries. She enjoys the company of other people and tries to keep whomever she speaks with in a good mood. She is usually out and about exploring, excitedly talking to elders or just people around town, or busying herself with groceries.
She likes poking fun at people and jokes around a lot; it seems that she isn't serious most of the time, but she can get a little touchy when it comes to her height and weight which she is extremely conscious about. She also has a tendency to make decisions in the heat of the moment, but always stands by them, whether they are right or wrong, as long she sees a good something that comes of it or a good reason for doing it.
As an only child, she often puts on a brave face even at home, so when problems arise, she becomes a work-a-holic for a few days and refuses to let anyone help her. This can happen quite easily, however seeing as she is extremely hard-headed and will never back down to a challenge, even if it is too big for her. This may also be one of her worst traits, for with it usually comes trouble, however, it helps her score lower priced produce at the market, and also naturally makes her one that children flock to and (usually) take counsel from.

RP Sample

Another prospective customer walked past the small bakery as soft voices from customers inside floated outward. It was a good day; the sun was shining, coating the roads and buildings in its sight a warm, yellow-orange. Cars sped by and people walked in the evening sunshine. The bakery had few characters inside, a young man worked the floor as a slightly aged spirit was sitting at the counter. He let out a sigh as he heard the door to the basement flip open for what seemed like the umpteenth time of the day. Without another word she left a tip on the counter with a smile and briskly walked out.

"Who's fortune am I reading?" Came a voice from the basement; Down went another customer to the voice. One that belonged to a young woman sitting at a round table with a large crystal ball and a tea set. It was dark in the room, a lone white light coming from a bulb directly upwards of the table.

"That would be me." A confidant male voice rung. The woman smirked.

"And what will it be?" she asked.

He gulped before sitting down in the chair across from her. "I'd like to know what my love life will be like."

"Ah, I see." Her tone of voice told him she had heard it all before. He nodded uncertainly. "Don't worry, this isn't like one of those moving picture things. People don't get fortunes like 'forever alone,' or silly things like that." The man sighed in relief. "Just things like '

hopelessly alone.'"

"What?" The man stood up briefly, only stopped by her hand pointing to his seat.

"I'm yankin' yer chain, si'down! Relax, geeze." Once he settled back down, she turned her attention to the tea set in front of her. "Here, pour yourself a cup of tea. But don't drink it!"

He did as she said. "Ok, and how is this going to tell me anythi─?"

"It'll all come together in time, sir." She said as she dumped the tea on a potted plant behind her. She then looked into the cup, analyzing the leftover tea leaves carefully. "Hm."

"What is it? Is it bad?"

"Oh, you─ silly people. Always thinking it's bad." She swatted the air in his direction. "Frankly, you have to try a little harder. Sitting around and waiting for girls to 'come and get'cha' isn't gonna get you anywhere."

"Anyone could've told me that!"

"And I'm sure they have been! It took you all this time to hear it from a fortuneteller!?" She got up and walked to his seat.


"Shame on you! Now, that's 13 Yuans up front unless you want something more useful read like the name of your children or something." She said as she stood behind him.

"Bu─" Heels clicked as she helped the confused man out of his seat and to the steps leading to the bakery.

"I see you're done, so I guess I'll see you next time behind the counter." She smiled as the man began the steps. He looked back at her with a strange look on his face. "Hey, if you lay off the mooncakes a little, that could help too." She said with a finger point and a wink. She waved and walked to close the door behind the man. "Bye bye now!"

• Her mother is alive and well but travels a lot, so she's not normally at home.
• Her father is from Makapu Village and her mother from Republic City. The short distance from the two cities made her parents'

love scandal meetings quite easy.
• Her mother is the only bender in the family. (Earthbender)
• Her family is all about pro-bending, this is one of the main reasons she was born in Makapu and raised in Republic City.

Additional Info
• Currently lives with her father in a room on the upstairs floor of the bakery.
• Her father doesn't really do anything at the bakery, so she runs it like she owns the place.
• She is usually looking for people to rent rooms upstairs.
• If she hasn't been working in the kitchen, she's low on energy. She's prone to insomnia and goes on sleepless night binges for weeks.
• Although she's not skilled nor completely trained, she knows bits and pieces of Mantis Fist.
• Her first name, “Jie”, literally means “cleanliness”. She’s fine with being called her last or first name, ..unless you know what her name actually means.

And make the connection between her name and personality.
• Iffy about public transportation. She walks to avoid doing something dumb..

It's always changing here( ´・ω・` )

I had to revamp this! She actually looks more her age now!!! Seriously! Sorry this is a little flat compared to its predecessors..
Previous app: [link]
And the one before that: [link]

I've had the need to do this since I finished her last app─ but I think I'm going to keep this one for a while longer. ;v; Hopefully this appearance is still acceptable?