Was I falling? by cryptidmickle on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

His lun gs felt c rushe d, li ke some on e was sq uee zi ng th em o ut of e xist ence. He wa s fall i ng , fal l ing, f a l l i n g .. . T he cla ws we re gett i ng clo s er, h e ha d to s ave the m, th e cla w s wou l d ki l l the m bot h W ho who was he s av in g.....?

Lee jumped slightly as his eyes snapped open to the sight of the night sky from his window. He took a deep breath, ignoring the stabbing pain in his ribs when he inhaled too deeply. His room was littered with feathers, more than earlier thanks to the nightmare. The first set were because he had lost Palimate.. He should've known to leave the window shut, she would obviously escape the odd area she wasn't familiar with. He grimaced, shoving his face deeper into his pillow. No.. He couldn't force her to stay here... As much as it worried him that he might find her sick on the streets once again, it wasn't right to force her in a place she wasn't comfortable with... He mentally scolded the familiar burning of his eyes, willing himself to calm down and think of other things. What had woken him up?

His dream.

He had great difficulty with holding back his sobs at that moment. He had a nightmare again, but it wasn't the usual kindrin one. This one was new.. It surpassed the amount of fear he had with the spite nightmares. In this one... He knew he wouldn't be able to save them without someone getting hurt. ...Who was he saving.....? Was it Palimate? It would make sense... Lee shut his eyes as he tried to force himself to remember who he was chasing after- Falling for. Instead he got flashes of claws threatening to slice into him, the strong sense of danger, the absolute terror that he had to reach the other gro before they both met their end. He flinched, whining a little pathetically as he curled his legs under himself. He sensed something coming to his door.. Wait, why could he sense that? Small... vibrations.... He opened an eye, staring at the headboard tiredly as the door opened. "Pa?.. Are you awake...?" Tony... "Yes.. Something wrong?" He moved his head to look at the restless wyngling at his door. Tony looked really worried.. That's a little funny, shouldn't it be the other way around? "I-I, uh..." The wyngling glanced behind himself before looking back to Lee. "T-The dark thcared me... Emb didn't let me go on her bed..." Lee smiled softly at his son, sitting up and moving closer to the wall. "Come on.. I won't let the dark catch you.." Tony beamed, softly shutting the door before hopping up on Lee's bed excitedly. Lee settled back down, pulling his blanket over Tony and hugging him close to his chest. "Night pa.." "Night kiddo.." Lee mumbled, curling up a bit to get more comfortable. At least he still had his two kids to look for comfort.

Foreshadowing maybe idk, im tired..

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