Paniz by crystalmoon101 on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

When you make a one-off OC for a joke, but then people start to love them and so do you, making them a backstory and giving them a name...

So! I couldn’t help myself, especially since I saw other people like this character, so I made a proper image for her, gave her a name and random backstory I made up. 💖 Her name is Paniz, which is a Persian name meaning either sugar or candy, but she also goes by Pan or Panny as a nickname.


Her backstory is that she was the fourth student/follower of Demantius and Zhan Tiri, along with Gothel, Tromus and Sugracha. Pan was a little different compared to the others, being a lot more approachable, ditzy and lovable, with a large heart and barely a mean bone in her body. However, she is not as naive or dumb as she comes across, given she studied under Demantius himself, she can just be a little aloof at times, and people often mistake her open emotions as being naive.

Her placement in the story of Demantius and Zhan Tiri’s fight is rather...complicated and rough. She was the only pupil to not turn her back on Demantius, but eventually decided to become his spy of sorts, joining Zhan Tiri to keep an eye on her and giving Demantius info when needed. That being said, Pan’s true intentions were to try and fix things and bring her friends back to together (She just wants to be a happy little science/magic researching family again, guys...). She did her best to try and talk things out, or argue with the others that this path of corrupted power wasn’t the way to go, but none of them ever listened. Zhan Tiri was the worst of it, and become very dismissal of Pan, yet Pan never gave up on her for years.

A bit before Zhan Tiri was vanished, she discovered that Pan was a spy. Despite her pleas, Pan could not change Zhan Tiri’s mind, and was punished by being trapped in a magical bottle, an artifact Zhan Tiri collected during her journeys. No on knows where Zhan Tiri left the bottle, not even Demantius, so Pan is cursed to be stuck alone forever, unless someone can find it and free her...