AUSWB Futurity 24: Two Kangaroos by CubanacanWarmbloods on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Two Kangaroos | 1054 words

Chris wiped his hand down the legs coated in a silver sheen, muscles twitching and the slow and calm breath of the beast above him filled his ears. His colt that he had produced, worked with and found himself striving to bring to the greatest heights had matured into a tall and well bodied 4 year old. With the blink of an eye, Archi had grown from this mischievous long legged creature to a gallant young stallion. It could make his heart soar just thinking about the course ahead of them. Entering the ring finally atop his horse. HIS horse that he brought up from the start. He was finally going to enter the ring, in front of other breeders and riders sitting on the back of HIS stallion. The sire’s owners and dam’s owners…. All the connections were there. They could FINALLY see what had become of their horse’s progeny. Chris took great pride in that.

His hands fumbled to grab Archi’s leg protection as his nerves intermingled with his pride. He wanted a clean round. He wanted no refusals. He wanted the best for Archi and he wanted to best for himself. Of course, all riders want that. For Chris, it wasn’t about traditional placing. It was about having a place. He had been chipping away at his spot in the horse sport world and as the futurity was coming to a close, it felt like his spot was on the last steps of being made.

Archi let out a soft nicker as footsteps crunched the ground, approaching the two pale Australians. Chris half expected it to be Skye and found instead he was facing Aurelia. She had Archi’s bridle swung over her shoulder as she pawed the ground with her converse.

“Can I help tack him up?” She spoke softly and her eyes remained glued to the ground. Chris’ found Yamir’s niece to be the cutest little girl he had ever met, and a naturally gifted equestrian too.

“Of course, I see you already helped yourself to his bridle?” Chris chuckled as the young curly haired girl bounced her head up and down.

“I’m going to ride in front of the association one year…. when…. Maybe even next year!” She exclaimed, her shy composure withering away as she grabbed this and that for Chris. Archi intently watching her tip toe from the tools to him.

“You’d be good at it too… Isla I’m sure would enjoy it.” Chris cheered the youngster one as he adjusted the saddle pad and placed his jumping saddle atop.

“Maybe I can how both Isla AND Jala….. maybe even the new mare Tío was talking about”

Chris couldn’t help but laugh at her sweet ambitions for the trials. Isla would be a sure thing for her… Jala… she could ride, but he had wondered where she picked up this want to show more than just her “unicorn”.

“I heard Tío (Yamir) mention that if he would bring Jala back into the show ring, her babies may be more desirable on the market. “ Aurelia babbled about how she knows they can’t keep al the foals and how one day she is going to train a baby from Isla all on her own, just like Chris and Skye have for the current futurity.

The tacking up process went a lot faster than usual with Aurelia’s additional help and if Cris was honest, her chipper mood had washed away his nerves. Skye had joined them and promised Aurelia she could do the walkover with herself and Chris to the warmup and the ring -stating “one day this could be you leading a rider to the warmup as a coach.” Aurelia had to tact on that one day it may be Skye and his child. Skye laughed wholeheartedly and told her a sweet maybe.

The warmup ring was filled with the same faces and horse’s he had grown very familiar and fond of. Archi remained supple and well mannered as he strode his circles and loosened under Chris’ hand. The red ground contrasted against the pale stallions shimmering coat and across the entire warmup ring, the sand became a canvas of colours and hooves, weaving and sewing a quilt of diversity. Chris and Archi were just a small thread in the world and breeding of the Australian Warmblood, but they were happy nonetheless to be a part of it. Chris had now to hope Archi could show his skill and integrity over the fences as a valuable piece of this breed’s developing story.

The pink salt flat gleamed as the sun soared in the sky, the rays reflecting of the water and participants. Clouds did their best to shield partial areas but could not form a protective gauze and instead they scattered across the sky. Chris took a deep breath as he entered the ring, his number being called and his buzzer sounding.


Both Chris and Archi had to remain composed, and they began their round over the first fence. Archi’s feet lifted from the red sand and found safe ground, easily slipping over the low fence, and carrying himself with style.

He was a very clean and jumper despite his clownish behavior in other aspects. He snapped quickly at the knee and had a good gauge for the fences he was turned towards. He had learned to stay focused on the task, rarely finding time to check out his surroundings and commotion around him. Archi cared much more about what Chris asked of him than people swing over fences or waving their hands.

The obstacles on the course were friendly and well adjusted to see the 4-year-olds jumping style and carriage as well as to avoid many spooks with minimal props being used throughout. The plant life that stood beside the jump standards phased some of the horse’s previous but Archi ignored them and pressed on, not bothering to look back, spook or investigate a nibble.

The pair moved across the course with grace and harmony, finishing with a clean round. Chris dropped his reins and leaned over the stallion’s neck, rubbing his ears and praising him profusely as they exited the arena.

“We naturals mate, just naturals… two kangaroos…springs for feet yeah?” He was almost giggling from excitement and pride over the debut of HIS Archi.


Jumps and Background Ref's provided by HOST.

ARCHI & CHRIS (c) @CubanacanWarmbloods