I Like It... by CubanacanWarmbloods on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

LINES BY ~KonaKinz SHADING & COLOUR BY ~CubanacanWarmbloods


Jerrecah was enjoying Canada way to much for her own good. She was even slightly considering staying there, but she knew that was nonsense. One of her favorite things about when Gretchen and her stayed with Skye was the Marcalo brothers. Twins... To be exact. She enjoyed using her charming personality and good looks to toy with the boys far to ofter. Yamir tended to get all shy and avoid her, while Roberto would come onto her very strong any time she flaunted her good looks. Jerrecah would giggle at the way the boys got so antsy around her. She loved to know that they were attracted to her.

Soon after the search Jerrecah entered the barn to find the Marcalo boys grooming the horses. This was her day to make a move on one of them. She could feel her craving a man ever since she left France to live at GFEC. She needed a new toy... something or someone to play with. Jerrecah grabbed a couple brushes and asked the boys if they would like some help. Yamir nodded as Roberto flamboyantly exclaimed, "YES". Roberto was the charmer of course. She began to brush Cipriano. The boys watched her with every stroke she took along the horses shoulder. "Clank!" The brush had slipped out of her hand, and both the boys dove for it. Jerrecah laughed,
"Oh, I'll get it." She bent down right in front of Roberto almost purposely flaunting her curves.
He grinned devilishly when she looked up at him, "Eh Senorita, Would you wanna come with me to the RUE tonight?" It blurted out of his lips before he could stop himself, and he thought he could manipulate her maybe.
"Why, I'd love to. What is it though?" She questioned him.
"An excited night club in Toronto! My favorite actually. Known for wild dancing and great tasting Margaritas!"
She grinned and replied, "Oh, margaritas?? And I suspect you would want to be my dance partner?"
Roberto knew then he got what he wanted, "Si Senorita Jerrecah."

Later that night Jerrecah slipped on a sexy outfit that would allow her to dance for her "date" with Roberto....


Roberto opened the car door for Jerrecah as she stpped out onto the pavement in high black stilettos. Roberto smirked as he walked into the club with one of the sexiest girls he has ever seen, and apprently that went for alot of the men at the club also.
"Would you like a drink?" Roberto asked kindly.
"I wanna dance first..." Jerrecah snagged his collar and pulled him onto the dance floor. She wrapped her wrist around his neck and started to sway her hips to the music. Roberto's eyes keenly followed her hips in a figure eight as he dance along with her. Lord she was tempting...and her bright red lips...ever so kissable.
"I think i'd like a margarita" jerrecah's eyes begged, Roberto nodded and walked to the bar where he was greeted by his favourite bar tender Anjuli, She was argentinian,irish and russian, but you'd never guess with her wavy auburn hair and olive complexion.
"Hola Roberto, what can I get the little..."
"Anjuli, come on let's not be mean, she's visiting Canada,"
"French?" Anjuli guessed.
"Si..." Roberto looked at Jerrecah who smiled at me brightly.
"Lemme guess, dos margaritas?" She chuckled and poured the drinks.
"You're the best..."
"Roberto...I think your tail is being chased" Anjuli tilted her chin up and Roberto looked back as Jerrecah ended up in the middle of a grind line, her lips pressed against some big dark man's lips.
Roberto stood shocked and speechless.
"Did you honestly think she was...virtuous?" Anjuli laughed gripping her stomach.
"I had hoped... Give the drinks to Marc and Josh, I'm leaving..."
"Will do, don't be such a stranger Roberto!" Anjuli called after him.

The drive home with Jerrecah was silent and everytime she tried to walk Roberto turned the radio louder.
They puled into CUC and Roberto opened her door. Unfortunatly, Yamir, Mae and Vi were all sitting on the porch. Mae's face was shocked, Vi's was bitter and Yamir...well Yamir wasn't one to show his emotions on his face.

"I had such a good night Roberto..." Jerrecah batted her lashes leaned against his chest, kissed his neck then his lips pulling on his wavy brown locks.
She walked away raising an eyebrow at Vi. Roberto stood there stunned. Mae got up and walked into the main house to find Gretchen.
"Gretchen...Jerrecah went out with Roberrto...but she was ebing odd and flautning it, i think she is trying to get on Vivian's nerves...besides Roberto's not hard to look at and easy to play" Mae took a big breath and Gretchen almost choked on her wine. Skye's eyes became angry... both women stalked outside.

Vi looked at Roberto and for some reason she was so angry with him for letting Jerrecah kiss him she couldn't understand it. She didn't like Roberto, they were friends so why was she angry? Yamir shook his head...
"Roberto we have a word for girls like that in spanish..."
"ROBERTO MARCALO! WHAT IN THE NAME OF HELL WERE YOU THINKING!" Skye flung open the door and began her rant.
"I was being friendly... nothing happened. I swear honestly...I wouldn't try and ruin the stables reputation!"
"Don't yell at him Skye...it's my riders fault!" Gretchen walked to the guest stables to go find Jerrecah. Mae looked at Yamir and Vi, then walked after Gretchen.
"Vi...." Roberto tried to stop her from walking away.
She didn't look at him she just walked back to her horses.
"Tu Sabes, I thought you grew a brain inside that big head of yours..." Yamir walked inside.

* Roberto didn't talk to Vi until the day of the rescue team when she popped through the forest, Jerrecah hasn't been allowed to talk to either twin since then also *

**how about that drama....ooooooooo**

Vivian (c) ~walktrotcanter
Mae, Gretchen and Jerrecah (c) ~KonaKinz
Roberto, Yamir, Anjuli and Skye (c) ~CubanacanWarmbloods