Flakyria by Culu-Bluebeaver on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

So let's start with the retrospective:

Today: "Flakyria"

I still like this picture, I think it is worth to be reloaded.

There was always the one question about Flaky's gender? Is "he" male, or is "she" female? This picture was inspired by this question and at the same time by a scene from the movie "Suspiria" (that explains also the titel "Flakyria") which was made by the director Dario Argento. The unbelivable happens: Male Flaky gets huged by female Flaky which comes out of his own reflection inside the window. LOL :D
The room is the same like inside the movie, just transformed into the HTF-style.

Look here for the original: [link]

The room, and it's details, took most of the work. I'm still pround of it, although I'm sure that female Flakys hands are not well done.

Flaky and Happy Tree Friends © mondo media
"Suspiria" © Dario Argento
wall ornament inside the room © M.C.Escher
art © me