Cyanscribe - Student, Writer | DeviantArt (original) (raw)

LiteratureAn Angry Beavers momentA/N I promised a friend to make her a story, she's been quite patient and although it's not exactly what she asked for, but I hope it's good enough.. Of course I don't own anything but Lily and Rose. Norbert sighed contentedly, his daughters lay on the floor with paper and crayons as the movie played on the television. Treeflower leaned into her husband,allowing him to wrap an arm around her shoulder. She reached up and took hold of his hand, their fingers interlacing. It was in moments like this that no words were needed. Norbert glanced over at his wife lovingly. Despite having been married for nearly six years, Norbert's heart still sAll

LiteratureAn Angry Beavers momentA/N I promised a friend to make her a story, she's been quite patient and although it's not exactly what she asked for, but I hope it's good enough.. Of course I don't own anything but Lily and Rose. Norbert sighed contentedly, his daughters lay on the floor with paper and crayons as the movie played on the television. Treeflower leaned into her husband,allowing him to wrap an arm around her shoulder. She reached up and took hold of his hand, their fingers interlacing. It was in moments like this that no words were needed. Norbert glanced over at his wife lovingly. Despite having been married for nearly six years, Norbert's heart still sFeatured

LiteratureAn Angry Beavers momentA/N I promised a friend to make her a story, she's been quite patient and although it's not exactly what she asked for, but I hope it's good enough.. Of course I don't own anything but Lily and Rose. Norbert sighed contentedly, his daughters lay on the floor with paper and crayons as the movie played on the television. Treeflower leaned into her husband,allowing him to wrap an arm around her shoulder. She reached up and took hold of his hand, their fingers interlacing. It was in moments like this that no words were needed. Norbert glanced over at his wife lovingly. Despite having been married for nearly six years, Norbert's heart still sAngry Beavers

LiteratureSpider's web untangles Alois and ClaudeAlois coughed harshly into his fist as he leaned back in his bed. He gasped for breath. “Cl-Claude, C-can't breathe” He wheezed. “One moment you highness, it will be all right.” the butler was at his master's side instantly, with him he carried extra pillows which he used to prop the boy up. “Please, try to rest. The doctor should be here any time now. Hannah is waiting downstairs for him.” “C-can't I-I'm scared.” His bright blue eyes searched Claude's for comfort. “There is no need to fear your highness, I am with you.” Claude took hold of the blanket and placed it around the yblack butler

LiteratureA Christmas to remember bartok the magnificent fic“I wouldn't mind the snow so much if it didn't have to be so cold. The snow if nice and everything but-” “Don't you see, that's one of the great things about winter. You get to cuddle up to that special someone to keep warm.” Nadia said pulling Bartok close. “Yeah, there's that part of it.” He replied enjoying the moment. There was a moment in which they both stood silent holding onto each other, neither one felt the arctic wind rush past them. Finally, they parted and Nadia shivered. “Guess we'd better move inside, we'll sit by the fire and warm up, We can have hot chocolate just like we always uBartok fics

LiteratureExtended Family A Casper fanficSequel to one of my untitled stories Rose McFadden smiled, peering through the window. The Dawson Children raced through the old iron gate of Whipstaff Manor, Casper floating along beside them. There had been many changes since Rose became a resident of the centuries old property and the Dawson's joined her in Maine. Each afternoon, the children and Casper met to walk back to the house, where the Dawson children would remain until their parents arrived to pick them up. The Whipstaff residents were shocked by Stretch's decision to open the door to his wife's family "Can't expect her ta give up everything that's important to her, if she feeCasper

LiteratureA Life Note story L's cold Light x L"I'm sorry,Love." Light said offering the box of tissues to L.. Light lowered himself onto the bed beside the detective. "I haven't been sick since I was a child," L sneezed into the tissue and sniffled. "I move to Japan and let you live with me and you give me your cold. what is so amusing,Light Yagami, do you find enjoyment in my suffering?" " of course not. " "You are smirking." Light shook his head. "Your sneeze was so adorable, it was so little and-" "You are a strange person,Light." " I can't help it if I love everything about you. I'll make it up to you, I promise." L sniffled, leaning back onto his pillow. "Do you wantDeath note

LiteratureGoodbyes Ed Edd n Eddy fan ficDouble D looked back with tears in his eyes as he stared into the empty space which had been his room for most of his life. The memories flashed in front of him. The desk that he had used for his models, to devise the plans for Eddy's schemes, The bed where he had slept so soundly and had been the place where Ed and Eddy had gathered when he was recovering from a long illness. Now all of that including his books and even Jim, were packed into a truck which waited for him downstairs, He sighed heavily and walked toward the stair where the family pictures once hung there was only bare wall. He slid down onto the top step and sobbed quietlyEd Edd n Eddy fics

LiteratureTaking Care of Daddy chapter 2"Hi Daddy, do you feel all better now?' Kaida called from the doorway, she entered slowly, carrying the glass of juice with Lucy walking behind her. Natsu raised his head sleepily, he had just begun to drift off. "Hey baby girl, I'm not feeling better just yet." He said sitting up in bed. "Poor Daddy, I have juice just for you, and look I'm not spilling." Kaida declared excitedly. "I see that, you're doing great." He praised, Kaida grinned at her father's words. "Mommy helped me, I am very proud of mommy. Are you proud of her too?" "Yeah, I'm real proud of both of you." He confirmed as his daughter handed him the glass. Lucy helped herFairy Tail

LiteratureThe Queen's Jewels A GMD Fanfiction chapter one“Oh Dawson, you mustn't fuss, I assure you that I am quite capable of caring for myself. There's no need for all of this” Basil said as he lie in bed, The detective had been ill for only a few days but it seemed an eternity. “Now, see here Basil, As a doctor, I'm trained in these matters, You my dear friend need rest, Plenty of it, and fluids. I realize having the flu is not easy for a mouse of your usual energy level but as your friend I shall make sure you get it.” Dr. Dawson pulled out the thermometer from his bag. “Now, open your mouth please, I'm going to place it under your tongue, come now Basil, it's GMD

LiteratureGuardian AngelsI believe in angels. Though my angels may not have wings, or gaze down upon me from the clouds, they are not invisible beings who I imagine are there as a comfort. No. They are the ones that lift me up when I've fallen so deep into the darkness that I can no longer see the light. When my heart is filled with sorrow, and I can not stand the pain, they come to me. They extend their hands to take mine, with a gentle smile and a soft voice they call to me. "We've got you" they tell me. "We're here and we're not letting go." They hold me in a warm embrace, I feel the sorrow melt away, I know they will guard my heart, When I am at my weakest,Original stories

LiteratureI'll take care of you chapter 4Hikaru felt lost as he sat absent mindedly stroking the top of USA-Chan's head. He reached for his phone with trembling hands, finding it difficult to press the right buttons. "Come on Hikaru, get it together.' He whispered. "Hikaru." The soft voice called catching him off guard and causing him to look up. "Haruhi, they-Kaoru's fever spiked and-" The girl lowered herself into the chair next to him. "I know Hikaru.Kyoya senpai told me, he's here, talking to one of the doctors. Everyone else is on their way. We're all going to be here for you, both of you." Hikaru nodded and Haruhi placed a comforting hand on his shoulder. A while later they wOuran Hosts

LiteratureA Pinky and the Brain Fanfic.'Pinky, stop this foolishness, this instant” Brain grumbled as he pulled the young clone, Roman numeral one from the taller mouse's grip. “But Brain look at him he's so cute, his tiny fingers and toes and his rather large head” Pinky smiled at the clone. “Roman Numeral one isn't here to be cute, in case you've forgotten he was created to be involved in my latest plan for world domination.” “Oh right, that Point!” The taller mouse said still looking at the 'child' he had called Romy. “If we are to use this clone, he has to begin lessons immediately, The sooner we begin the sooner the world shpinky and the brain

my sweet little boyPictures and art

LiteratureMy first Sonic and Amy story (no title) chapter 1Amy stood in the kitchen with Cream and Cheese holding a piece of paper in her hand. “While we're there, I'm gonna get Sonic to dance with me and then maybe he'll see that we’re supposed to be together” Cream smiled. “Good luck with your plan Amy, I'm sure Sonic will come around... one day” Amy glanced at the clock. “I'd better be going if I wanna get there in time, I'll see you later Cream” Amy said rushing out of the door nearly knocking Chris over.” “Sorry Chris, I gotta go! “She said dashing off in the direction of the nearest shopping center. “This plan can't fail, Isonic fics

LiteratureSoul Eater fanfiction chapter 2Maka opened her eyes to the sound of her name being called, she didn't recognize the voice at first, it sounded as if it came from a great distance away. She regained her senses and realized that she was now lying in a hospital bed and sitting in a chair beside her was Tsubaki. "I'm so glad you're awake. we were so worried about you, how are you feeling?" Maka didn't answer, she had something else on her mind. She tried to sit up only to feel lightheaded and to have Tsubaki push her back down. I'm sorry Maka, you need to be still. You were in shock when we f-" "Where's Soul?" Maka's eyes pleaded for good new. Tsubaki looked away as if unsuSoul Eater

LiteratureThe truth hurts 2 invader zim fic.The fog blended with the snow creating a nightmarish white landscape, where shrouded trees hid dark secrets and the sound of unnatural creatures rang out through the darkness. Dib looked around nervously knowing it could be anywhere, hiding beneath the haze. He had to be careful not to let his guard down, one mistake and it would be over. Somewhere behind him a twig snapped. Dib gasped as he reached for his weapon slowly though unsure where to aim it, he held it in front of himself defensively. The cold air brushed against his skin causing him to shiver. A deep growl came from his right and he turned just in time to see the beast lunge outzim

LiteratureA Cousin's Love A Harry Potter fanficSummary: a very young Sirius is ill and left in the care of his three older cousins (yes they are out of character for the purpose of the fanfic. Sirius settled himself against his pillows, he felt exhausted and weak. He knew his temperature had spiked again, he knew it from the way his vision blurred and his body felt as if he had been lying outside under the sun for days. Sirius closed his eyes, he drifted in and out of consciousness until finally giving in to his fatigue. He woke a short time later,feeling a cool sensation on his forehead. He allowed his eyes to open slowly, finding himself starring up at his cousin. "Bella?" He calleHarry Potter

An Angry Beavers moment by Cyanscribe, literature

Guardian Angels by Cyanscribe, literature

A Life Note story L's cold Light x L by Cyanscribe, literature

Life Note Christmas LxLight pairing by Cyanscribe, literature

Taking Care of Daddy chapter 2 by Cyanscribe, literature

A Cousin's Love A Harry Potter fanfic by Cyanscribe, literature

Life Note chapter 10 by Cyanscribe, literature

Stormy Night a Fairy Tail Fanfic one shot by Cyanscribe, literature

Taking care of Daddy A fairy tail Nalu story by Cyanscribe, literature

Life Note chapter 9 by Cyanscribe, literature