Full Body YCH Dragon -CLOSED- by RavenNocturna on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

RavenNocturna's avatar

Published: Apr 13, 2019


I need to make some quick mons due to a holiday coming up and my bills sapped all of my money ;A;
I'll try to spare the sap story but I had saved for a year and a half and ended up 1000incash(sinceIonlygotpaidincash)andIdecidedtoputitintomybankaccount(causeifwegotburgledI′dloseitall)butironicallyit′sbeen3monthssinceIputthatmoneyinmybankandInowhave1000 in cash (since I only got paid in cash) and I decided to put it into my bank account (cause if we got burgled I'd lose it all) but ironically it's been 3 months since I put that money in my bank and I now have 1000incash(sinceIonlygotpaidincash)andIdecidedtoputitintomybankaccount(causeifwegotburgledIdloseitall)butironicallyitsbeen3monthssinceIputthatmoneyinmybankandInowhave300 because my bills sapped most of it and now I hardly have any money for a holiday I've been saving for for almost 2 years now (main reason for this holiday is to go to my good friends wedding♥)
So yeah I really need money for bills/my holiday cause I just have nothing...

I'll be selling these for 1000 points each (or $10 PayPal)
If you can afford then please share this around!♥

Art belongs to me Cynder18

Image size

2500x3000px 5.84 MB