Exploring an abandoned base ending by Cyriv on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Finale: Acceptance of Fate
Mafia Engi stumbled through the wreckage of the RED base, each step a struggle as he clutched a bleeding wound on his side. The infection coursing through his veins sapped his strength, but he pushed on, driven by sheer determination and the memory of his fallen comrades.
He burst through a door and found himself outside, the cool night air hitting his face. In the distance, he spotted a train, its engine still running. Desperation gave him one last surge of energy as he limped toward it, hoping for a slim chance of escape.
Mafia Engi (Engineer): (breathing heavily) "Just a little... further..."
He reached the train and collapsed against it, struggling to pull himself inside. Once aboard, he slumped into a seat, his vision blurring as the infection took its toll. He knew he didn't have much time left.
As he gazed out the window, he saw the ominous shape of a missile streaking through the sky. The realization hit him like a punch to the gut—Protocol X had been activated. The nuke was coming down to end the infestation once and for all.
Mafia Engi: (weakly) "So, this is it... huh?"
He leaned back, the weight of the moment settling over him. His body was failing, but his mind was clear. He had fought valiantly, done everything he could. Kevin, Carlos, and the others had given their all, and now it was his turn to face the end.
The missile grew larger in the sky, a harbinger of finality. Mafia Engi closed his eyes, a sense of calm washing over him. He accepted his fate, knowing that the sacrifice would prevent the spread of the infection and save countless lives.
Mafia Engi: (softly) "I'm sorry, Kevin... Carlos... Everyone. We did our best."
The roar of the missile grew deafening, and the ground trembled as the nuke descended. In those final moments, Mafia Engi thought of his friends, the battles they had fought together, and the hope that their efforts would not be in vain.
The sky lit up in a blinding flash, and the world around him was consumed in a wave of fire and light. In his last moments, Mafia Engi found peace, knowing that their fight had made a difference.
And so, the RED base was reduced to ashes, the infection contained, and the sacrifices of the brave few remembered as heroes. The battle was over, but their legacy would live on, a testament to their courage and determination in the face of unimaginable odds.
The End.