Pokemon by daaku-no-tenshi on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

This is Pokemon FANART. ¬.¬

Told Katie about this.. gonna put up an image of all of my Pokemon from the games that I've caught, and trained. ^^ Before anyone says anything along the lines of "Pokemon Sucks".. ^^'' .. I worked harder on this piece than I have with many of my other works. So don't just put it down like that. ¬.¬ The one thing I hate is when people automatically say "Pokemon Sucks", and have neither watched a single episode of the anime (which I dont tend to like, anyway) or play even an hoursworth of the games. (Which rock.)

-Cough- Anyway.

I have three or four dragonites, to be honest. ^^' And a Kingdra too, and a Wailord, Marowak, Blastoise and Articuno that aren't shown here. ¬.¬ But other than that, all of the ones I actually train and use effectively are on here. The Dragonite at the top is my "Ice" dragonite. ^-^ I used a gameshark and made it learn various Ice Attacks. Then theres Venusaur there, my first beginning Pokemon. ^-^ First got given it in 1997 or 1998, and I've STILL got it!

Theres my Ninetales, Salamence, Tyranitar, Aggron, Milotic, Flygon, Gardevoir, Quilava, Altaria, a 'shiny' Lapras, Sudowoodo, Mightyena, Chimecho, Linoone, Victreebel, Flareon, Togetic, Mawile, Corsola, Furret (WAAAIII!! ^_^), Breloom, Quagsire, Kecleon, Shuckle and Torkoal. ^^ (I have a lot of Tortoise Pokemon. ^^')

Yay. This took so long to do. ^^' Hope it'll get as much attention as I hope it will.