I Woke Up Today 1 by dandyliondreamer on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

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Published: Jan 23, 2020


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Hi so, I have been just generally struggling in my life and It's always been a constant, no matter how much I can replace how I feel with other things and enjoy myself and pretend I'm always doing okay... There is something about being alive that is hard and I cannot explain it. It's really more complicated than "okay and not okay" but its a constant battle with myself to be alive. Everyday is different and I can't tell how long I'll be "okay" or how long I'll be "not okay".

So I'm gonna try to do a series? of just small personal comics of how I feel when I wake up. Its nothing big but... it kind of makes me feel better to put something down. so i hope you'll stick with me on this.

Next Day ☛☛☛ I Woke Up Today 2.1: Klack by dandyliondreamer

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