LEGO Classic Castle: Nightly transport in the wiza by Danny0Dada0AFOL on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

it is night in the divided and soon to be besieged capital city...

First a lonely owl hoots its night-hoots: Ho-hooo! Hoot-hoot, hoo-hoo, hooter hoot, hot hooters hoo-hoo- hoot...

Then if you have really acute hearing you can hear two easterlings in suits sneak a silents as only trained ninjas can across the roofs, these clandestine soldiers communicate with sign-language so they can´t be overheard while on mission... but actually the wouldn´t need to be this silent since soon a very loud hunt and by two dogs chasing a cat across the square in front of the old parliament building where the Wizard-King have his base in the divided capital... it is also here the two assassins and spies stop and hide behind two flags above the parliament gate...

Now in the middle of the night a human voice with a foreign accent is heard:

- Flesh lotten fish! Flesh lotten fish, come and buy some extla cheap lotten fish, half the plize I take... Only half a fish for half a lotten Gloat or pelaps a whole fol a gold coin, vely cheap!!!

it is the Fishmongrel trying to sell some of his surplus fish on the black-market dead at nigh... nothing rare or odd with that!

That is just an ordinary day in this city, neither is the woman who´s still up expecting a shady night costumer, but her costumer was scared away by the next thing happening on this square, a miners wagon pulled by a drought horse and a small rickshaw-like pull-wagon arrives, both loaded with the rare power crystals the Wizard-King Need so desperate...

then out of thin air black falcon troops rush out of the old building like armor clad ants the take their positions, then follow a troika of Slavic elite Guards and finally the crowned Wizard-King Himself!!!

the following conversation follows:

- (Wiz-king) Good Lads, very well done, how many kilos are there?

- (Lorry driver) Exalted king out of king and mage out of mages, I think we have collected about the weight of 25 standard men, a fortune, one of our miners died when the cave caved in, when we dug him up he was already dead as squashed tomato!

- (Wiz-King) oh, how sad to here that you lost a coworker, he will be added to our holy list of heroes when the siege and civil war is over...

- (Lorry Driver) No, worries, his widow will get 50% of his share of the gold we will be payed for these crystals...

- (Wiz-King) Gold, eah, well, I will pay you after the siege and after our glorious side have won the civil war....

- (Lorry Driver): Hey No way, you promised us gold straight away, isn´t that right Turnip and Molelander...

The two other miners nod!

- (Lorry Driver): if you don´t want to pay perhaps Prince Albert will!!!

the Wizard-Kings eyes turn even darker than they were before then he screams:

- (Wiz-king): Traitors I knew it, Guards seize the nasty traitors and confiscate their transports and and all of their belongings, put them in the prison dungeon together with the worst criminals..

the guards and soldiers carry out their masters bidding!

the shadowy figures above use sign language to say: We have enough information, let´s head back to the palace to inform the Prince!!!