Big boy by danzzila on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

danzzila on DeviantArt

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danzzila's avatar

Published: Feb 26, 2020


This is Carter which is mine and a member of the extinct pokehoodie family oc! Carter's Croconaw is named Sid, he's kinda... pervert. When he was a Totodile he used to steal girls' panties whenever he had a chance, after he evolved his old behavior turned out not to be seen as "cute" anymore since he became big and intimidating. He then started to wear a nice red tie to catch girl's attention instead (at least he thinks it works). He's twice the size of a normal Croconaw and he likes to work out with his master.

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3276x4096px 4.92 MB

FantasyRebirth96's avatar

Strong bois^^ This is a nice looking drawing~