Houseki no Kuni OC: Apatite by darazumayra on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

darazumayra's avatar

Published: Dec 10, 2017


after procrastinating for a while, Apatite is finally done lol. I've been sketching them a lot on my sketchbook and finally drew them digitally now. As you can see I can't draw gem-ish(?) hair to save my life [Big Fool Emoji-07 (Cry) [V2]]( deciding the background is quite hard too, I decided to make the background dark-ish and give them little light bubble thing//slapped/

Apatite has 5 in hardness scale so they don't actually fight, they usually stay in library helping other gems by assorting books. Have a quite apathetic personality and usually don't talk much, when they do though mostly what came out of their mouth are sarcasm.

I use Medibang Paint Pro

Image size

1600x1300px 776.16 KB