Tales of heroes by Dark-swordfish on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Dark-swordfish's avatar

Published: Apr 15, 2012


Hi! :) this time I bring you all a mix of both serious/comical endings of the characters from the videogame "Tales of heroes twin brave"
-All rights reserved to Namco
-Source: tales.namco.com/forums/viewtop…
-Bonus Videos:

Characters (From up to down, from the left):
-Cless Alvein and Chester Barklight (Tales of phantasia)
-Stahn Aileron and Leon Magnus (Tales of destiny)
-Reid Hershel and Farah Oersted (Tales of eternia)
-Kyle Dunamis and Reala (Tales of destiny 2)
-Lloyd Irving and Zelos Wilder (Tales of symphonia)
-Veigue Lungberg and Tytree Crowe (Tales of rebirth)
-Senel Coolidge and Chloe Valens (Tales of legendia)
-Luke Fon Fabre and Guy Cecil (Tales of the abyss)
-Caius Qualls and Rubia Natwick (Tales of tempest)
-Ruca Milda and Spada Belforma (Tales of innocence)
-Emil Castagnier and Marta Lualdi (Tales of symphonia dawn of the new world)
-Yuri Lowell and Flynn Scifo (Tales of vesperia)
-Shing Meteoryte and Kohak Hearts (Tales of hearts)
-Asbel Lhant and Cheria Barnes (Tales of graces)
-Jude Mathis and Millia Maxwell (Tales of xillia)

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