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Anna and Elsa Behind Bars

Elsa and Anna Arendelle were two sisters who since their parents’ tragic death in a boat accident are in charge of the family business. The family business was one of the biggest ice companies in the world. In the beautiful city located at a Northern fjord in which the two sisters lived, most people worked for the Arendelle company. The two sisters were very popular in the region as they were generously funding public parks, schools and sports teams. The sisters had a great relationship and lived right next to each other. Elsa was the CEO of the company and responsible for its successful growth in recent years. Anna was also involved in the company and the leader of the family foundation. She lived together with her husband Kristoff who lived a more traditional lifestyle and cared for reindeers on the couple’s estate. Everything seemed perfect for the sisters. But not everyone appreciated their success. One person in particular was furious about it and hated Elsa and Anna. Hans owned a rivaling company that struggled to compete against the Arendelles’ business. After the death of his parents, each of his twelve siblings had inherited a part of the family business empire and he had been saddled with the least profitable section. Hans was worried he would have to declare bankruptcy and become the laughing stock of his family. He had dated Anna before she had decided to this shock and disbelief that she preferred to date the poorer, but gentler Kristoff. Hans never loved Anna, but he wanted to marry her to have their companies merge. Since Anna has dumped him for a guy who he considered a “reindeer weirdo” his hatred against the two sisters had grown. He had come up with a plan that he considered to be great and couldn’t wait for it to unfold. It was highly immoral scheme, but that hardly bothered him. Elsa sat in her office in the company tower. From her desk, she had a beautiful view over the water of the fjord. The tall beauty had her long hair tied back and was wearing an ice blue business suit. She also wore professional white pants, a brown leather belt and stylish white sneakers. She checked the time on her silver wristwatch with an ice blue watch face as she awaited her sister for a meeting. Anna parked her Tesla outside the office and entered the building. She was walking up to the office with a bright smile, her positivity felt by the entire office. She wore a violet jacket, dark blue pants and black boots. She looked a bit more casual than her sister, but still very fashionable. When they met in Elsa’s office the sisters hugged and began to talk. They didn’t suspect anything bad. In that moment, several police cars arrived in front of the building. A horde of officers swarmed out of the vehicles and charged inside. They were led by the elegant Agent Aurora of the Anti-Corruption Unit. She shared blue eyes and a similar skin tone with Elsa, but had short black hair and wore a ACU windbreaker along with black jeans and a silver wristwatch. She led her team with big steps towards Elsa’s office on top of the tower with confidence. Elsa and Anna couldn’t believe their own eyes as they saw them approach the office. Elsa opened the door and asked: “Excuse me! How can I help you, Agent?” “We have a warrant to search this building on the suspicion of tax evasion, corruption and market abuse.” answered the Agent. “What?!?” Anna’s mouth dropped open in disbelief. “We can guarantee that our company is not involved in any illegal activities and are willing to cooperate to prove that.” answered Elsa calmly. “Cooperation is a word that we love to hear.” said Agent Aurora, “we also have warrants for the arrests of both of you on the suspicion of tax evasion, bribery and embezzlement.” She showed the shocked sisters the piece of paper. “We are innocent!” exclaimed Anna shocked. “Anna nor I would ever do something like this. We are law-abiding businesswomen.” said Elsa. “Are you really arresting us? You can’t do this!” complained the panicking Anna. “Yes, both of you will have to come with us.” said Agent Aurora unimpressed, “hands behind your back!” “That’s not necessary, we will cooperate and turn ourselves in to clear our names.” said Elsa. Officers approached them, others started to collect computers and files. “Hands behind your backs now! It’s your turn to show your cooperation with us.” said Agent Aurora. “You don’t need to handcuff us! We are not resisting!” Anna was really freaking out. Her sister was worried as well, but put a hand on Anna’s shoulder and said: “We will cooperate to not make things worse. We will sort this misunderstanding out.” Anna locked at her sister and was impressed how calm she was. Elsa moved her elegant arms behind her back and crossed her wrists. She gave the Agent a stern look, trying to keep her dignity in this situation. Even the Agent was impressed by that and avoided Elsa’s eyes. Instead she turned to Anna and saw her tear up as she put her hands behind her back as well. The officers grabbed Elsa’s arms, moved her watch up a bit and put handcuffs around her wrists. Other officers grabbed Anna and closed the steel around her wrists. It clicked as the handcuffs were tightened and Anna winced. Both sisters tugged on them as they stood next to each other in handcuffs with officers holding their arms tightly. Agent Aurora routinely read their rights to them. It was hurtful for Elsa to see tears stream down her sister’s worried face. “It will be okay, Anna. We will clear our names.” she tried to assure her. In this moment they started moving and had to walk along the officers past the tall Agent who was proud of her major arrest. She was confident that taking down two of the most successful and well known women would boost her reputation and career. The employees couldn’t believe as they saw their well respected bosses led past them in handcuffs. Elsa assuring them it was all a misunderstanding and would be solved and Anna sobbing and tugging on her handcuffs. As they were about to leave the building the two sisters saw with shock that a crowd of journalists awaited them. “That will be so embarrassing!” said Anna. “This is terrible for our company!” said Elsa, “could we avoid being perp walked, Agent?” Agent Aurora hid a smirk and said sternly: “No, you have to deal with it.” Elsa rolled her eyes annoyed and hated the thought of people seeing them like this. As they stepped out the journalists rushed to them. Cameras and microphones were pushed in their direction and the officers had a push through them. “What are you accused of?” “What will this mean for Arendelle?” “Any comments?” The journalists wanted a comment and the best pictures and videos of the perp walk of the sisters. “We are innocent! We will resolve this misunderstanding and clear our names!” answered Elsa while she was escorted to a paddy wagon. From the distance watched someone with a bright smile of triumph as the curious crowd kept growing. Most people couldn’t believe it, felt sorry for the sisters or worried for their jobs. Hans felt no worries or sympathy, he purely loved seeing the sisters in handcuffs getting publicly humiliated. Elsa and Anna were shoved in the back of a paddy wagon. They got buckled up next to each other and struggled to find a position for their hands behind their backs. The door got shut and cameras pressed against the barred window until the vehicle started driving. During the drive Elsa’s fear for their future kept growing while she tried to comfort her crying sister. Anna wished this nightmare would be over and that she would be with Kristoff. “I can’t believe this! We don’t deserve this!” she sobbed. “We don’t! They can’t keep us like this. We didn’t do anything.” said Elsa attempting to calm her down. “We can’t go to prison!” sobbed Anna. The paddy wagon stopped after some time and the door opened again. The sisters were unbuckled and pulled out. They were standing in front of the womens prison. A very modern building on a hill with a view to the city and the Arendelle office building. They had to walk along with the officers escorting them into the prison. Elsa tried to hide her own fear as she tried to give her sister an assuring look while they entered the facility. Inside they were separated and Anna gave Elsa a glance of desperation. Both sisters were taken to different processing rooms. A female firm guard freed Anna and ordered the sobbing woman to undress. Scared Anna started to strip, feeling extremely uncomfortable doing so. “Underwear too?” she asked, hoping the answer would be “no”. “Everything!” answered the impatient guard. Anna was already shivering as she stood exposed in the cold room. Still she did as she was ordered to do and was now completely naked. “Bend over!” ordered the guard. Anna felt dehumanized as she bend over, naked, and the guard started to search her. After the search ended without any findings, she got handed plain white underwear and a black and white striped jumpsuit. Anna quickly put it on. It was a bit itchy and ugly, but she was relieved to cover her body again. “Hands behind your head!” Anna followed the order and looked down at herself. Her new outfit made her even more aware of the nightmare that was happening to her, right now. A rattling, cold chain was put around her waist. Next the guard attached a pair of handcuffs to the chain. She grabbed Anna’s arms and forced her wrists into the open handcuffs in front of her. Anna winced as they were closed shut and the cold metal bit into her skin. “Kneel over there!” ordered the guard. Anna kneeled on the bench, the guard had pointed at. Her tears feeling cold on her face. The guard forced her legs together and shackled her ankles together. She grabbed Anna’s shoulders and pulled her back on her feet. At the same, a few rooms apart, was Elsa going through the same process. She followed all the orders of the guard with a straight face, successfully hiding her fear. She stripped out of her elegant clothes and took off her nice watch, before she got searched. She hated it, but accepted it with grace. Being used to being treated with the utmost respect, this was a completely new, humiliating experience for her. She put on the same uniform as her sister. It was the most unfashionable thing she had ever worn in her entire life. As she was chained up and handcuffed, she didn’t wince, even so the steel was really cold. Once she was shackled she was escorted out of the room. Being escorted around in rattling chains was horrible for Elsa. In the next room the sisters got reunited, now wearing partner outfits. It was hurtful for Elsa to see her scared, sobbing sister like this. She was totally convinced that they would be able to prove their innocence and end this nightmare. Anna couldn’t believe to see her sister, the person she had always looked up to, like this. It decreased her hope even further. As she opened her mouth to say something, she was interrupted: “No talking!” Elsa was first placed in front of a height chart and had to face the camera. She gave the camera a stern face and hated the thought of these mugshots becoming public. Next it was Anna’s turn who had stopped crying, but her face was still tear stained. While her mugshots got taken, Elsa was forced to put her finger on the ink to create fingerprints. As soon as Anna had her fingerprints taken too, the ankle shackles of the sisters were chained together. Connected to each other they were led towards the cells. The prison was not really big as the area had a very low crime rate, but the few inmates in their cold cells couldn’t believe what they saw as the Arendelle sisters were led past them. Elsa, who was walking in the front, avoided eye contact as she was too ashamed to be seen here. They stopped in front of two cells and got separated again. Both sisters were locked into neighboring cells. The guards left them and both tried to comfort each other. They couldn’t see each other, only talk through the barred windows of their cells. “We will sort this out! We will get out of here. You know that we are innocent, Anna!” The following days and weeks the arrest of the sisters was the number one topic. Journalists from around the world flooded the usually peaceful city up in the North. The locals couldn’t believe what happened and most of them thought the sisters must be innocent. At the same time they feared for their jobs, if they got convicted. Elsa and Anna hired top lawyers to defend themselves against the serious allegations. Against their expectations the court did not let them post bail and they had to remain in prison until their trial. The trial was a big event with the media overcrowding the local courthouse. Elsa and Anna hated it that they always got escorted through the crowd in chains. The court had declined their wish to wear civilian’s clothes. During the trial the sisters were shocked that Agent Aurora presented a lot of fabricated evidence which incriminating them. Now, even Elsa’s confidence started to shrink drastically. The only comfort for Anna was that Kristoff attended every court hearing and supported her fully. He was sure that they were innocent and tried to comfort Anna as much as he could. Seeing the love of his life in this desperate situation broke his heart. At the long awaited final day of the trial, all eyes were on the live coverage of the trial. All eyes and cameras were on the judge as she read out the court’s decision. “The Court finds the accused Elsa Arendelle and Anna Arendelle guilty on the charges of embezzlement, tax evasion and bribery. Elsa Arendelle is sentenced to 20 years in prison. Anna Arendelle is sentenced to 18 years in prison. Additionally all the money both of them gained out of their criminal behavior is seized by the State. This sentence is final. The sentences are effective immediately and the convicts shall be taken to prison immediately.” Anna broke down in tears. She sobbed uncontrollably. The thought of spending 18 years in prison was overwhelming. The fact that she was innocent made this fact even more unbearable. She looked at Kristoff who was pale in shock. He tried to get to her, but was held back by court bailiffs. Elsa visibly couldn’t believe her sentence. She was frozen in shock and her eyes showed her disbelief. 20 years in prison was a very long time. She would spend a good portion of her life locked up and in chains. She lost everything she had ever worked for. It was a crashing thought. If she had actually done any of the things she was found guilty of, the dutiful Elsa might have accepted it. Now it felt like a immense injustice, As they got driven off to prison, someone in the crowd smiled in triumph. Hans was excited that his immoral scheme had played out perfectly. Knowing that the sisters that he hated so deeply wouldn’t bother him anymore. He loved the thought of them being locked up. Several months later, Hans had now overtaken the Arendelle Company as it had been at risk of bankruptcy after the sisters went to prison. The people who had always looked down at him were thankful that he had saved their jobs. After having merged with a bigger, flourishing company his own business was saved from the feared bankruptcy. Meaning that Hans did not have to face the embarrassment of failure. He was making enough money now that the expensive bribes he had paid the judge and Agent Aurora had been totally worth it. Agent Aurora had been promoted for her work and could realize her dream of getting transferred to the warm south. She had always hated the cold and now lived comfortably using the money she had received from Hans. Hans regularly watched videos of the sisters’ perp walk or their mugshots celebrating his triumph. They made him smile every single time. Having gained a fortune and destroyed his enemies felt like a massive victory for him. At the same time, the sisters sat in their cells feeling hopeless. The bars on their windows were covered in ice and they could both see their breath in the cold. The prison was not heated in the winter. The guards put on multiple layers of clothes, while the inmates had to freeze. Anna’s spirit was broken and Elsa missed her sister’s laughter and optimism. Anna’s only moments of slight joy were Kristoff’s visits. She hated that he had to see her like this, but was grateful that he still supported her. Elsa got no visitors at the visiting days. She still couldn’t accept her fall and was certain that she got framed. Her anger about her situation didn’t change anything about it. From her cell she could see the company tower and the thought of Hans, whom they both despised, sitting in her office was unbearable for her. Thinking of this she tugged in despair on her icy chains.