Silverback King by Darksilvania on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Finaly, my second hydrid full colored and with a name

"Silverback King" (Tetraceratherium Behemoth)

Hybrided from:
-Mountain Gorilla
-White Rhinoceros
-American Bison

A full grown Bull of Silverback King stand 3.3 m tall when upright and weight up to 3,600 kg. The arm span is up to 3.6 m. Females are smaller than males.

This specie is vegetarian and sociable, but their are also very territorial and can be very agressive.

He is incredible strong, possesing huge muscles distributed over his hump and shoulders up to his neck and arms. A Grown Bull is able to lift his own weight over his head.

This animal walks over his knuckles, so, to protect them from the pressure of his own weight, he has developed a hard cover for them, made from the same matherial as his horns. This hard knuckles are also used to protect them when fighting.

His skin is incredible thick, and the fur over his shoulders, back and neck give him extra protection, making very hard for others to land severe damage.

When two Bulls fight they will always start with a display of power, hithing the ground and their chests, ripping off trees and moving their long horns back and fort in a menacing way. If the intimidation doesnt work, they will start fighting, until one of them is too hurt to keep. This titanic brawls can be heard (and sometimes felt) over 2 km around.

This creatures receive his name from two main characteristics:
When full grown, males start growing a silver spot in their backs, like gorillas do, thats why they are called "Silverback"
Also, due to the 3 smaller horns position, when looked carefully, they seem to look like a crown, thats why they are called "King"

Well, I think this is enough, hope you like it