Math Wizard by Darkstar-001 on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Darkstar-001's avatar

Published: Jul 8, 2017


There's no point in having a security question
if you don't know the answer to it.

According to the wiki, Ran is a mathematical genius. At first I wondered how she got so smart, but then it occurred to me that she's over 800 years old, and I began wondering why all of the other youkai are so dumb by comparison! It is apparently too much to ask that any given supernatural entity be at least as smart as a human 10% of their age. Then again, if youkai intellect scaled with age at the same rate as human intellect, the protagonists wouldn't have a chance, so perhaps it is for the best that they neglect their studies...

Walfas by :iconkirbym: coded by :iconthiefknight: extended by :iconrsgmaker:
bent arm props by :iconshinkong: hand props by :iconceej39:

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