2018 Mermaid Parade #61 by Darrian-Ashoka on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

I don’t believe this person was even at the age of consent when this photograph was taken, and without her consent or the consent of her parents you have taken this picture of her and are now selling copies of it through deviant art.


I'm serious - you are a guest at these events and as a photographer you have a responsibility not a right to peoples bodies- they’re characters - they’re children!!!?

I am going to report you- not only to deviant art but I am going to show your face to every event manager that my friends and I volunteer and perform at and I am going to tell them that you take pictures of performers- even children- and then without their consent or the consent of their parents you are on here selling those images of their bodies and their costumes without giving credit or accounting for the models- their names, their makeup and costume artists, their hairstylists, their wig makers, or even compensating them for their time!

what did you think dude!?

that you could just go around with a camera and take pictures of people and then sell them!?

like it’s that easy!?

no way. Not okay.

I am going to reach out to this girls parents and let them know you are selling picture of her