DawnFelix - Hobbyist, General Artist | DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Deviation Spotlight

Malia Aunani by DawnFelix, visual art

Uzel Bio Warcraft OC by DawnFelix, literature

The Poor Representation of Samus Aran! by DawnFelix, literature

The Small Lore of My Universe! by DawnFelix, literature

The Problems of Hunting Pedophiles! by DawnFelix, literature






My Bio

ID Account 1

~Welcome to my homepage, I hope you enjoy my Arts!~

He / Single / Puerto Rico

Welcome to my world of Arts! I'm Felix, an Amateur Illustrator and Concept Artist dedicated to crafting unique Softcore Arts and SFW Arts. Follow along for a glimpse into my creative world! Let's connect and celebrate the beauty of art together! I am Passionate about meaningful interactions! I'm advocate for genuine connections! I embraced positivity and authenticity! I value respect and kindness, so if condescension is your style, we won't vibe.

¡Bienvenidos a mi mundo de las artes! Soy Felix, un Ilustrador Amateur y Artista Conceptual dedicado a crear artes Softcore y artes SFW únicas. ¡Sígueme para echar un vistazo a mi mundo creativo! ¡Conectémonos y celebremos juntos la belleza del arte! ¡Me apasionan las interacciones significativas! ¡Soy defensor de las conexiones genuinas! ¡Acepté la positividad y la autenticidad! Valoro el respeto y la amabilidad, así que si la condescendencia es tu estilo, no nos llevaremos bien.


Condescending Types of people are 100% Unwelcome! That means people who like to treated others poorly, and look down at everyone else. The ones who are clearly Arrogant, Conceited, Haughty, Hubristic, Imperious, Lordly, Overbearing, and those who like to Patronized others while they think they are more IMPORTANT that everyone else. The ones who have extreme Narcissistic Personality along with Sociopathic, or any Hateful and Condescending Tendencies. I don't like to deal or be near Condescending individuals, so if you're going to be Self-Righteous and Self-Entitled imbecile, with a Narcissistic attitude. Then you're someone I don't want to be around, and I can assure you, I won't show you respect at all. I don't want a Condescending person to be near or around me, I don't have the time or patient to deal with people who thinks they have the rights to look down at others, and treat them poorly. In other words, I don't have the time, care, and patient to deal with anyone Bullshit, I don't care who you are! You could be the President of United State, or the Monarchy of the United Kingdom, or the President of Russia, I simple do not care. I care more for a Stray Puppy and Kitty that for who you are. The moment I see someone be a Jerk, I will kick them off my pages because, as I have said before, I do not have the time or care to deal with a Self-Entitled Crybaby. The goal of my Pages is to create a welcoming and supportive environment for all members who also love ARTS where everyone feels valued and respected regardless of Gender, Belief, Races, and Sexuality. As long you're a decent person you're welcome to my pages, but if you can't be a decent person; then you are unwelcome on my presence. So you either behave like a mature and civilized person, or behave like an idiot. I don't need to show anyone respect, and courtesy when a Condescending Person don't want show respect and courtesy to others.
¡Las personas Condescendientes son 100% indeseables! Eso significa personas a las que les gusta tratar mal a los demás y mirar por encima del hombro a todos los demás. Aquellos que son claramente Arrogantes, Vanidosos, Altivos, Soberbios, Imperiosos, Señoriales, Dominantes y aquellos a los que les gusta tratar a los demás con condescendencia mientras creen que son más IMPORTANTES que todos los demás. Aquellos que tienen una personalidad Narcisista extrema junto con Sociópatas o cualquier tendencia odiosa y condescendiente. No me gusta tratar o estar cerca de individuos condescendientes, así que si vas a ser un imbécil moralista y con derecho a todo, con una actitud narcisista, entonces eres alguien con quien no quiero estar y puedo asegurarte que no te mostraré ningún respeto. No quiero que una persona condescendiente esté cerca o alrededor de mí, no tengo el tiempo ni la paciencia para tratar con personas que piensan que tienen el derecho de mirar por encima del hombro a los demás y tratarlos mal. En otras palabras, no tengo el tiempo, el cuidado ni la paciencia para tratar con nadie. ¡Tonterías, no me importa quién seas! Podrías ser el Presidente de los Estados Unidos, o la Monarquía del Reino Unido, o el Presidente de Rusia, simplemente no me importa. Me importa más un Cachorro y un Gatito Callejeros que quién eres. En el momento en que vea a alguien ser un Imbécil, lo echaré de mis páginas porque, como he dicho antes, no tengo el tiempo ni el cuidado para tratar con un Llorón Autoengreído. El objetivo de mis Páginas es crear un entorno acogedor y de apoyo para todos los miembros que también aman las ARTES donde todos se sientan valorados y respetados independientemente del Género, las Creencias, las Razas y la Sexualidad. Mientras seas una persona decente, eres bienvenido en mis páginas, pero si no puedes ser una persona decente, entonces no eres bienvenido en mi presencia. Así que o te comportas como una persona madura y civilizada, o te comportas como un idiota. No necesito mostrar respeto ni cortesía a nadie cuando una persona condescendiente no quiere mostrar respeto y cortesía a los demás.

I Support Equality Stamp

Not bullshit.

Demisexual Pride Flag

My Role-Play Rules

Here are some clear and Concise Rules for My Page: 1. Be Respectful/Avoid Condescending Behavior - Treat all members of this community with Kindness, Empathy, and Respect, so refrain from using Discriminatory, Hateful, or Derogatory language towards others. So do not engage in personal attacks, Harassment, or Bullying, so communicate in a polite and considerate manner, without being Patronizing or Belittling. Refrain from displaying a Self-Righteous, Self-Entitled, or Narcissistic attitude, and Respect the opinions and perspectives of others, even if they differ from your own. So let us be clear: if you wear your narcissism as a badge of honor, perceiving yourself as more important than those around you, I can assure you, I wish to hold no proximity to such embers of attitude. 2. Consequences for Violations - I don't like to deal or be near Condescending individuals, so if you're going to be Self-Righteous and Self-Entitled imbecile, with a Narcissistic attitude. Then you're someone

X-Parasites from Metroid Series Why They Are Dangerous? The danger of the X-Parasites lies in their ability to adapt and overcome defense mechanisms utilized against them. They can easily infect and control a wide range of organic life, turning allies into foes. Their capacity for rapid multiplication, combined with the potential for altering and enhancing host capabilities, poses a monumental threat to any ecosystem and civilization they invade. As they spread, they not only consume resources but effectively erase the organisms that once inhabited an area, leaving devastation in their wake. The X-Parasites represent a unique blend of primal survival instinct and biochemical warfare, making them a pervasive and formidable foe. Their adaptability, combined with their parasitic nature, ensures that they remain one of the series’ most prominent threats, both in terms of gameplay and narrative impact. In otherword they are unstoppable! The X-Parasites can invade living organisms, take

ITS HAPPENING OH MY GOD ITS HAPPENING!!!! Legacy of Kain Soul Reaver 1-2 Is Going To Be Remastered for Nintendo Switch! You have no idea how excited I am. Legacy of Kain is one of those games that came out when I was younger, but I never got the chance to play them because I didn't have my own money so I couldn't ask my M1om to buy them. I really can't believe Franchises like this are making a comeback. I never expected LoK to be one of them considering how onscure it is, I really didn't expect it to be remastered, and it's coming out December 10! Sure, this is obviously a very early trailer so we don't get to see much. However, I am going to be a bit critical and just say I was hoping for a little more, I'm really excited, don't get me wrong, but from what was shown, it really doesn't look like they added much other than some new skins and textures, but of course it is a Remastered, so they are going to just enhance the graphic and nothing more. Perhaps it will be treated as

Profile Comments 6.1K

Hi emoticon Hi there~! Thanks so much for faving my Pokémon FanART :+fav:

In Memoriam

I appreciate it :heart: And, if you enjoy artwork like this, consider watching :+devwatch: my account for more FanARTs in the future!

Thanks for :+fav:! :hug: