Broken Glass 2 by Dawnsilence on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Seems responsible.

I have an old script that has a lot of parallels to the original comic but also has some strange deviations. For example, in the script, I guess I forgot Shnuky was with Sasha when she rescued Hawk and Moth, so I had Shnuky pull Tadpole out of the water. It was Minty in the comic, though.

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Minty: Can you stand?
Tadpole stands up.
Minty: Good. Do you know your way home?
Tadpole: Yes.
Minty: Then go, and hurry. Twolegplace is no place for kits.
Minty looks into the distance.
Tadpole walks away, but he's dazed and confused, and everything is blurry.