Ambushed by DC-Kyoto on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Helen looked behind her as she heard a mysterious rustling above. It sounded like a number of small rocks collapsing down the crevasse walls. It caught her off-guard, breaking the peaceful, mindless hum she performed as she made her way home through the short-cut in the nearby forest. The housing estate where she lived was in sight, the gate to her back garden accessible through a shallow, rocky crevasse within the trees. There wasn't anything out of ordinary, save for the strange, unshakeable sensation of being watched.

The blonde was a young woman on the cusp of turning thirty, arguably in her prime - at least physically. Her choice of attire, a cropped, white top tied in a side knot exposing her toned midriff, black short shorts and white sandals allowed her skin to feel the warmth of the dwindling afternoon. Having just completed a session at the local gym, she was only a hundred feet or so from her house when she stopped in her tracks. Something made a noise again - louder this time.

As she turned to ascertain the source of the disturbance, a huge, ominous, shapely mass slowly loomed behind her. A slick, squishy sound accompanied the emergence of a needle-like stinger at the tip of its mass, dripping with a thick, green liquid. By the time Helen motioned to resume her path, she was surprised by a swift, sudden strike, the barb impacting directly with her chest. The assault - though rapid - caused her to grunt in shock, immediately feeling a hot, numbing sensation spreading from the small wound. She couldn't move. Her body wouldn't obey her commands, no matter how insignificant. As the seconds drew on, her feminine groans of anguish, followed by confusion, she discovered the numbing sensation had spread to every corner of her body.

Unbeknownst to poor Helen, the giant spider, Shelob - having arrived upon the town by pure chance - had injected her with a paralysing venom that left her completely limp within mere moments of the strike. Its slick, venom-laced stinger had done its work, securing it a substantial meal. The spider was no brute, however. As soon as it retracted its stinger, it lifted its great, chitinous mass above Helen's eye-line, remaining close as it patiently waited for the venom to take effect. Usually, the spider's chosen sustenance was animal prey, but with recent deforestation and dwindling food, it sought alternative means of meeting its needs. It had only come across her by pure chance, and as fortune would have it, the stinger had delivered it a young, healthy human female.

Helen's legs began to buckle as she succumbed to the venom that now coursed through her veins. Her eyes remained fixed in place, unable to move or make a sound in protest, save for a few, pathetic gasps between bubbling lips. She soon listed backwards, crumbling down towards the forest floor. A shadow quickly descended to catch her before she made contact with the ground, wrapping its dexterous forelegs around her helpless, dainty frame with care. The spider had no interest in bringing any undue harm to its prey. Having rendered it immobile, it now needed to secure it in its thick, sticky silk to ensure it remained trapped and safe for later consumption. It cradeled Helen, supporting her as it began to lift her off the ground, using its smaller forelegs to carefully guide her upwards along with it.

A heavy, dull squelching sound echoed in the crevasse as the spider brought its massive abdomen to the fore. Its fidgeting spinnerets dispensed reams of gooey, sticky silk that quickly began to adhere to Helen's ragdoll-like form. With the same legs that assisted in bringing her closer to its abdomen, the spider began to gently rotate her horizontally, its massive bulk listing one way then the next, ensuring an even - but chaotic - application of its slimy substance with which to bind her. The thick strands stuck to her clothing and skin alike, building up as she rotated in mid-air, unable to help herself as the spider diligently shrouded her in the foul, earthy substance. The slimy crackles filled her ears, as well as the clicking of its forelegs as it touched and pulled at her, manipulating her body into repeated spins. The silk continued to build up over time, creating the foundation of a fledgling cocoon, binding her legs together, with her arms pinned at her sides.

Eventually, in under forty seconds, Helen was completely unrecognisable. Only a sticky, off-white silhouette remained, the thick, still damp layers of silk binding together to form a cocoon, encasing the helpless woman within.




CHARACTERS (Original) - J.R.R Tolkien

COMMISSION for Anonymous.