..Ezio:Into the sky:... by DeadlyNinja on DeviantArt (original) (raw)
DeadlyNinja on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/deadlyninja/art/Ezio-Into-the-sky-172111426DeadlyNinja
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Daily Deviation
August 3, 2010
When I saw ..Ezio:Into the sky:... by ~DeadlyNinja it left me completely speechless and feeling as thought time had frozen for a second as my eyes went through the whole piece, fascinated by its slow yet graceful flow and those dazzling colours that urge you to seize the moment as if it was something you'd never see again. Incredible.
Published: Jul 21, 2010
Ezio on top of Venice! It took all day to do this and this will be my last submission for the next..2 weeks or more. Original is way bigger, maybe ill post a detail shot somewhere in the future.
Till then, enjoy!
done in ps in about..8 hours or more.
Ezio © Ubisoft
Fanart by me.
EDIT: I sharpened the image so ezio and the eagle look more clearer and the cross while the city remainds blurred. i hope this works out better?
Image size
607x1250px 616 KB