Nat Sko'dal by Deer-Head on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Name: Nat Sko’dal

Occupation: Jedi Master, former member of the High Council

Height : 5’8”

Age: Physically, 24

Pronouns: They/Them

Special Abilities: Nat has a unique ability to see constant and absolute visions of the future rather than premonitions that can be changed or prevented, and sometimes they are even able to see flashes of other people’s pasts. They could see visions for specific people if they came into physical contact with said person, as in holding their hand and such. This being said, while they may know much of what the future holds, they are helpless to change what fate has in store. So for everyone’s sake, they usually keep their thoughts and visions to themself.

Personality: Very laid back, they tend to go wherever the wind takes them. They rarely ever wear shoes, and will generally only wear them if it’s absolutely necessary. They’re super protective over those who are working with them on missions, especially their clone troopers, who are all regarded as family to them.

Brief Backstory Summary:

Nat Sko’dal was a member of the Jedi order a few hundred years before the clone wars, and was once part of the Jedi High Council. They were especially gifted in the force, having a unique ability to see constant and absolute visions of the future rather than premonitions that can be changed or prevented, and sometimes they were able to see flashes of other people’s pasts. They could see visions for specific people if they came into physical contact with said person, as in holding their hand and such. Their visions could be helpful sometimes, but due to them not being able to change fate, most of the time they were unable to reveal what they see due to it having no meaning in affecting the future. They used to consider this ability of theirs a curse, but they realized that what mattered was not trying to prevent the inevitable, but taking proper action after the inevitable passes.

At first, only a few Jedi knew about their gift, including master Yoda, who Nat confided most of their visions and worries to. But word got around further than it should have, and it made Nat a target to be exploited. They were on the move a lot, going wherever they felt or saw that they needed to be

At one point, they began noticing a lot of their visions did not have themself in them. And when they stopped showing up in their own visions all together, they took this as a sign that they were about to die. Only later, they find themself captured by bounty hunters while out on a mission, and through a very complex series of events that I’m not gonna go into detail about, they end up freezing themself in carbonite to save them from dying in space.

They were stuck floating aimlessly in space, unconscious and essentially lifeless for hundreds of years.

At the time that Jedi Master Kit Fisto had just escaped from general Grievous’ lair on Vassek, he felt the force urging him toward something in the vastness of space. He had come close enough to Nat’s location to feel their presence, and he followed it until he found carbonite-frozen Nat. Kit Fisto had no idea who this was, only that they were strong with the force.

Nat was brought back to the high council at the Jedi temple, where Master Yoda explained who they were, saying Nat was thought to be dead and their history and all that jazz. When they were unfrozen, they were blinded because of hibernation sickness, which Nat saw opportune to joke about since they’re already blind in one eye. Through the force they were able to pick out Master Yoda from the crowd as well as Kit Fisto, who Nat said they owe a great debt to, since Kit was the first presence they had felt in far too long. Nat was able to see Kit Fisto through visions induced by touch of hand, and remarked- “And you have a handsome face to match that handsome voice”

Nat was confused however, since there were so many new people in the council. The council spent time attempting to catch Nat up on all that had passed since they disappeared, but Nat became overwhelmed and was sent to the medical bay to recover from their hibernation sickness.

Once reality started to set in with Nat, they requested that they be sent back on the field as soon as they were well again. But being out of practice for a few hundred years, they also asked that they be partnered with another Jedi who was more experienced with the times and could guide them on current events. And so, they were paired up with Kit Fisto and sent on plenty of missions with him.

After working together with Master Fisto for a few months, Nat was assigned a Clone Trooper squad and sent off on their own. Though they’re no longer paired on the field, they still take time to meet with Kit Fisto whenever they can.

Currently, Nat is still fighting in the Clone Wars. They now have a Padawan who’s named Khoktp B’eqter, or “Kobe.” Nat also is frequently accompanied on missions by their friend Szarka G’rel, a Jedi Knight who trained under Plo Koon.

Nat Sko'dal by Deer-Head